Well, well, well! So Congress got its act 2gether (or their - TopicsExpress


Well, well, well! So Congress got its act 2gether (or their version of it, anyway) & saved this country from rack & ruin, JUST in the nick of time!! Was there really any serious doubts thats what would happen in this latest chapter of financial disaster-or not-2012. Ah, politics as usual. The problem here though, is that this series (if it were a TV series, that is), is that it may (or likely WILL) get renewed 4 another yr; or more!! It has 2, if 4 no other reason than this; how can a series TRULY end, if the last episode of the season is a cliffhanger??!!? Sort of like Dallas in the 80s, when it was who shot J.R.? Yeah, I know, Im dating myself here (meaning, giving up, more or less, my age; NOT meaning I want 2 go 4 a dinner & a movie-type date...just wanted 2 clarify things here), but u get my drift, right?? Especially those of u in my reading audience who remember that show. We know the plot; we may even know how they show ends; but can we get some new screenwriters up in D.C; so we, the viewing public, wont get bored knowing how it ends. Lets stop dragging this show on, endlessly. Lets do a show, where they actually FIX rather keep stalling, thereby sending this country into financial quicksand! How much higher DO we raise the debt ceiling? Think of it this way; if a person (say, an elected official in D.C; goes up and in a hot air balloon (nice analogy??); eventually, theyll run out of oxygen & their brains will go 2 mush!! Maybe they already have!!?? My point is that if we keep raising the debt ceiling and delaying what NEEDS 2 get done, this gr8, proud nation may soon become the United States of China! Pull the cameras out of BOTH sides of Congress; stop posturing 4 C-Span, work 2Gether and set this country back upright!! GET IT DONE, CONGRESS!!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 22:44:02 +0000

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