Well, well, well,.....finally the morally decayed DANNY RODDIN - TopicsExpress


Well, well, well,.....finally the morally decayed DANNY RODDIN who watched me get beaten unconscious while he did NOTHING to stop the STUDENT RIOT AT RIVER VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL in 2007-08. iT IS ABOUT TIME FOR RODDIN TO GO INTO A FEDERAL COURTROOM AND HOPEFULLY PRISION. RODDIN PARTICIPATED IN THE COVERUP AND VIOLENCE WITH PRINCIPAL VICKI LETE. NO AMBULANCE! NO ARREST AND TOTAL COLD CALLOUSNESS WHEN I WAS BEATEN UNCONSCIOUS! MY LIFE WAS CHANGED FOREVER. THIS IS HIM FOLKS....AND THERE IS A WHOLE LOT MORE BELIEVE ME. I HOPE THE FBI KEEPS CLEANING THESE SCUMMY PEOPLE OUT OF OFFICE. REGARDING: THE BEATING AT RIVER VALLEY....... AS I WAS LAYING IN A POOL OF BLOOD BECOMING CONSCIOUS......HE didnt bother to walk down to check out the school riot. He didnt want to get involved...just like Vicki Lete. Roddin did nothing but stand around. RODDIN allowed my attackers to wander around the back office without supervision WHILE I WAS LAYING SEMI CONSCIOUS, SEVERELY INJURED AND BLOODY. When my son-in-law and my daughter told him to contain the attackers....he said....Nah, Im not going to arrest them. Their parents will just come pick them up. He allowed the violence and participated in open cruelty and division of the staff that the Greater Clark County School Administration COVETED AND EMBRACED UNTIL THINGS GOT SO OUT OF CONTROL THE PARENTS STARTED PULLING THEIR CHILDREN OUT OF RIVER VALLEY. RODDIN DIMINISHED THE SCHOOL RIOT ALONG WITH VICKI LETE and then covered up and lied to Associated Press reporters. RODDIN PARTICIPATED AND DID EVERYTHING VICKI LETE TOLD HIM TO DO INCLUDING NOT TAKING A RAPE REPORT FROM TWO DIFFERENT FEMALE STUDENTS IN RIVER VALLEY. Other students were pinned and fondled. They were terrified by a student who enrolled from nowhere and looked to be in his 20s, not 13 or 14 years old. After the rapes were reported to RODDEN in my office, Roddin went to Lete. When Roddin came back the girls who were raped were told to go home. It was totally ignored. Both parents pulled their girls out of River Valley. The mysterious new large male student disappeared. I wasnt told to drop him from enrollment. I wasnt told anythink. When I asked Roddin where the student who raped the girl was...RODDIN REPLIED, I dont know....gone. I said what do you mean gone? He said, I dont know....talk to LETE. I did and Lete was an communicative as Roddin was. I will never forget he allowed two innocent girls to be raped without making an arrest the rest of my life. I tried to care or the girls but the parents completely cut all contact from River Valley. I hope they are reading this today! I called the prosecutors office again today regarding Tony Bennett. No response. Anyone interested in a class action suit against Bennett...please contact me @ 502-592-3663. I am also testifying against Lete. THE NEWEST POLITICAL SCUM BAG TO HIT A FEDERAL COURTHOUSE....NO SURPRISE TO ME. HE FAILED TO MAKE AN ARREST ON MY ATTACKERS. HE FAILED TO CALL AN AMBULANCE. HE DID EVERYTHING VICKI LETE TOLD HIM TO DO WHILE HE WAS A SCHOOL PATROL OFFICER AT RIVER VALLEY.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 21:35:22 +0000

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