Well, well, well, its Friday everybody, Ive waited all week for - TopicsExpress


Well, well, well, its Friday everybody, Ive waited all week for this one day! My day started off great but things have changed during the day, nevertheless; I pray it will return to the laughter Ive been experiencing lately, a-men. O.K. let us pray, Heavenly Father,, I come thanking You for another day, thanking You for waking me up, and watching over me as I slept. Help me Lord not to be deceived for I know God will not be mocked and for whatsoever I soweth , that shall I also reap, (Galatians 6:7). Heavenly Father, I come asking You, to lay Your hands on the young man whos lying in the hospital after having a grandma seizure, heal his body right now Lord in the Name of Jesus. Father God, Ive prayed but I need You put Your hands over mind and heal his body. I ask You In Jesus Name , a-men and a-men. Now let the redeem say a-men. Family, I find in the book of Matthew if you will look at the 24th chapter starting at the 36th verse where it reads, No one knows about that DAY or hour, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage, up to the day. Noah entered the Ark; and they knew nothing about what happen until the flood came and took them all away. THAT!! is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. I covered that because this is something we all need to know and where to find it. Always! ALWAYS! search your Word for information that you do not know. Its alright to listen to someone being helpful however; God said, study to show thyself a-proved unto unto God. a-men and if you dont know where to look then dont be afraid to ask or I said, inbox or ask your pastor, a-men. Now before I go on let me say something to you, we have ministers, pastors, priest, apostles, and bishops, whom speak the Word, but do they teach you the Word? Do they show you in their conduct or do they justify their conduct? Think about it I know itll be plenty who will turn their nose up at this but im not doing this to make friends, I interpret what God has given me to say. Im gonna say a-men you dont have to. I feel so blessed right now I cant contain it. O.K. lets move on, During my life-time, I have seen lots of satanic forces, Spiritualists, and other ists. I tell you that there is a power that is satantic, and there is a power that is the Holy Spirit. a-men. I remember that after we received the Holy Spirit and when people were speaking in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance ...we dont know the Holy Spirit in any other way. Family, Friends,, and Gods True-Believers, the Lord wants us to know in these days that there is a fullness God where all other powers must cease to be. And I implore you to hear that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is to possess us so that we are, and may be continually, so full of the Holy Spirit that utterances and revelations and eye-sight and everything else may be so remarkably controlled by the Spirit of God that we live and move in the glorious sphere of usefulness for the Glory of God. Alright well stop here for today, but before we close; God has never taken His eyes off you. Not millisecond. Hes always near. I hope you know this. He lives to hear your heart-beat. He loves to hear your prayers. Hed die for sin before hed let you die in your sin, so He did. What do you do with such a Savior? Dont you sing to Him? Dont you declare, confess, and proclaim His name? Dont you bow on your knees, lower youre head, hammer a nail, feed the poor, and lift up your gift in worship? Of course you do. Worship God. Applaud Him loud and often. For your sake, you need it. And for Heavens sake, you need it. And for Heavens sake, He deserves it. Again as always I thank all of you whom came and joined in today. I pray that you received a Word of help. I thank you for your prayers and support and if there is any comments youd like to add please feel free to do so a-men. Enjoy the rest of your day and may God bless you through-out your weekend; however, please try and help make someone elses day or weekend, be bless..
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 21:39:58 +0000

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