Well, what can I say..... what a truly phenomenal day!!! Thank - TopicsExpress


Well, what can I say..... what a truly phenomenal day!!! Thank you Dave for an absolutely brilliant ceremony. (Thank you Tonja!) Thank you Gordy and Sabrina for the support and doing the ring duty. Thank you to Kristin for hair duties, and to John for some additional running around for us. Thank you to Eileen & Tom Welgarz, Roger & Marie Naylor, Lynn, Sandra and Wilhelmina on Skype.... plus any others... sorry for the delays! Thank you to everyone who showed up, there were a lot of you and I sure enjoyed meeting some of you again, after quite some time. For me, it was very, very emotional. Right at the start, I got hit by a tidal wave of emotion. Seeing the girls first, throwing down petals, hearing my guitar playing in the background, then seeing Kim... see looked beautiful. It was hard for a humble, old, man to take all in. For those who missed it on Skype, Im sorry. We had a delay due to thunder and rain, which, quite honestly..... well, that was my Dad putting in a show. It was nice to have one of my family there, at this milestone time in my life. The rain didnt spoil anything and it added to the British element... I just felt so much like, my Dad was there with me! Thank you to everyone involved, thank you to everyone and your comments. Thank you to everyone, near or far, you all made it very, very, very... special for me! And.... before you ask..... yes, I cried..... I had no option, my emotions gave me no choice. Thank you, once again.... to you all. You are all so special people, now matter what part, big or small. Kim and I... we just love you all!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 03:46:24 +0000

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