Well, when Chuck told me it was a good day for Courtney I was very - TopicsExpress


Well, when Chuck told me it was a good day for Courtney I was very very happy!! And here is an update to confirm just that ~ Best day ever.....just when I feel like progress is slower, this girl shocks me like you wouldnt believe. She started her day with a visit from Dr. Sicklick, her physiatrist. She was able to almost completely open Courtneys left arm without her grimacing in pain. Woot woot ! That means they are holding off on Botox and casting to see if she can open it on her own. Then in physical therapy, she stood again and tried to take a step with her right leg. Wasnt super graceful, but she did it and she is strong. It wont be long before they are having her walk. Then she had speech therapy where she had ice chips and applesauce, she successfully answered yes and no to all questions asked with the shake of her head. Her responses were quick and correct. After that, she had a visit from her favorite nurse where she was trying to talk. She kept mouthing words and she actually asked to go to the bathroom. Thats huge right there!!! From that she went to occupational therapy where they had her picking out specific colored animals and she got those right too. Then they broke out the wipe board where she wrote the letter c and o. Then she took the marker and held it perfectly and wrote Courtney and mom. She then started saying words. She said dad, Sam, and Megan. She did everything that we asked her to do. It was amazing. After OT, she had more PT and she rolled onto her left side and then onto her right side. Her therapist is a very handsome, soft spoken guy and to pivot her into her wheelchair, she has to bear hug him while he grabs her securely into a standing position. Well, as she hugs him and he is trying to secure her, she leans into his neck and kissed it. It was so adorable. He turned beet red and we were dying laughing. She is so sweet!!! After all of this, we were in her room and chuck had gone home and all of a sudden she started saying dad over and over again, loudly. She then said Zach, Kate, Gregor, and seventy one (not sure why but I repeated it and she shook her head yes). She was repeating whatever I said to her. It was amazing. I just cant believe the day she had. She had a stomach ache for the afternoon/evening and still did all of this!!! She is a beast and just doesnt stop. Its amazing to see the improvements every single day. I cant wait for tomorrow. I guess within a few days, she will be talking up a storm. She is doing so much more already and so much louder. Im so proud of her. Have a good night everyone!!!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 04:39:35 +0000

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