Well, whenever the weather changes or rains, the cows just decide - TopicsExpress


Well, whenever the weather changes or rains, the cows just decide to move on..to where? I just dont understand bovine behavior. I went out looking for these masters of hide n seek, but no luck. Too many canyons, rocks and trees to sit down, chewing their cud for me to find, so they probably are snickering like that dog Muttley at us. A combined tracking team of 2-outstanding dogs who have found missing cows before when I couldnt. How does a herd of 6- 800lb cows, 2-calves and 1-steer simply disappear? they dont have natural coloration like a butterfly or a chameleon. Anyways I cut my losses and decided on a new strategy. Just wait until they really get thirsty and come home on their own. With that plan initiated, I decided to watch my 2-dogs..Buddy and Twisty hunt. We came up on a huge field of greasewood bushes, perfect place for wabbits! I watched my dogs go to work. Buddy took point and Twisty lagged in the rear, 10-15 meters apart and 30-40 meters front to rear. I had a high vantage point sitting on mu horse and as they increased their distance..Boom! it was on, all I saw was a flash of Buddys dark coat as he bounded, jumped and extended his body over a deep wash, while Twisty broke trail and headed in the opposite direction! I was like WTFrikk! All I could do was turn in my saddle and watch the pursuit! The wabbit made a wide circle and thats when things got confusing. Twisty cut off the wabbits only channel of escape, an opening in the bushes which led to cover, sandstone rock ledges and boulders to crawl under and maybe a hole or a burrow. I saw my dog grab the wabbit and toss it in the air! I heard the loud screech and somehow the wabbit broke free (reminded me of NFL football when the QB escapes a sack). Through all the dust and confusion, I saw the wabbit zig and zag towards safety. I watched in shame as the 2-dogs started digging trying to claim their prize, but all they got was a dead end..never seen 2-dogs so happy, I could swear they were both smiling and if they both had thumbs be high 5ving each other..instead all they did was look at me for approval, tails wagging and licking their paws, both covered in dust..crazy way to earn a meal in my book!
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 04:46:40 +0000

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