Well, where do I start? Who am I? I am called Jacrule. Where am I - TopicsExpress


Well, where do I start? Who am I? I am called Jacrule. Where am I from? Oh, I am from a grate big city. In-fact I am from the city the capital of all the land Naeresa. The greatest of all great lands. The shiny hope for culture learning and art. The army isnt any thing to sneeze at either. And this is my journal, If found please return to me at once. Now you ask, What am I? Well I am human. I know I know, it was humans who started the war! It was humans who ruptured the space time continuum! Please dont Bring up space time after all if humans didnt rupture space time. Well then the all wise, pure, loving and kind. Yea by now you can guess Iam being sarcastic. Yes as a human I have more then enough reason to hate the Yaquza. (ya-Qa-Za) And, if you think they dont hate humans well your just wrong and, Theres nothing any doctor can do for you and, Iam sorry. For those of you who dont know the Yaquza are the beings that came and took over the world after humans messed up space time. They have purple skin. I dont mean light tint either. Also large noses and, their eyes open vertically not horizontally like a humans. The men are large and muscular about twice as tall and twice as thick. The average bicep on one of them is about as large as my fist. to top it off they pump iron yes you herd me. They like to get as buff as possible. This makes most of them 3 times bigger then that. But, they are all bald. I havent checked you know but, from what I am lead to believe the males can not grow any hair under any circumstances. The women are fragile looking wisps of things. shorter them human women and much thinner. their breasts dont seem to grow any larger then a B-cup they most often have dark brown or black hair. but, unlike how human hair can be soft or course theirs can only be course. They blame the destruction of there home planet on humans and, well Its kinda hard to tell if humans had any thing to do with it or not. whether we did or not doesnt matter. They and a host of other raises strait out of fairy tails and, or, horror movies came and tried to take over. First with diplomacy but, They won so spoilers. Some Humans survived namely my ancestors. The Yaquaza Thought that over time they could teach humans to behave responsibly. They tried but well were a stubborn little bunch. Many ran off to live in the new age wilds or, old cites if you would prefer. there where a few rebellions here and there but, They got killed off by the other races who also broke it off with the Yaquaza. But, back to what I was saying. I am a carrier of Vegawhatts. First let me explain. The rupture of space time alerted the races to a new form of Electricity. This new form we call vegawhatts. It is invisible but, can harm living things if it is not controlled. This is done with machinery but can be done much easier quicker and, cheaper by a carrier. every now and again you find people that have vegawhatts stored in there body. With this they have what most would call magical abilities. Also, they are immune to normal electricity. In fact the body can use it to make Vegawhatts but at the cost of a lot of pain. You see vegawhatts gather naturally and replenish over time but, The person can make more kinda like having an extra mussel. Sadly forcing the body to make more hurts a lot. causing cramps headaches and fatigue. This in simpler terms means I can use magic. I promise you its not all its cracked up to be. I am constantly tired. I sweat liquid vegawhatts aka magical energy. Think of it like normal except twice as potent with the chance of burning down the house. It dose other things too but lets not get into that. So now that you know who and what Iam. I guess I should tell you What Iam doing. I recently got out of the school I was enrolled in not by choice mind you. And now I seek to do something with my life as far away from this accursed city as I can. When I went to the employment office they where shocked by the fact that I hadnt graduated. Add that to me being human and you get a big problem. The only thing they could find was a colony out on the edge of civilization. They Where in need of a Sheriff because of constant raids. This was they only thing they could suggest so I took it and, IAm well on my way I should arrive in a few days I have this journal encase any thing interesting happens. -al
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 00:21:09 +0000

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