Well, yesterday I made a comment about how I hate Christmas and - TopicsExpress


Well, yesterday I made a comment about how I hate Christmas and always have. Ive gotten more than a few messages since asking why Im such a scrooge. So instead of answering each one by one I thought Id just answer everyone at once. But first, please dont just click past this post thinking some grumpy person is being a party pooper. You may know someone else who feels the same as me and you may find my reasons compelling...or not. But at least hear me out and maybe youll understand the next person who doesnt share your love of this drama we play out each year. Ive grown to hate the season for a number of reasons. Im not opposed to the whole season of giving idea. I think that perhaps the only redeeming thing about the holiday is that it can make some people nice for a few days out of the year. Thats also why I hate it. People need a reason to be decent and giving? And to be honest, I dont see giving so much as spoiling, bribing and trying to look good by giving the best you can despite the waste. The quality and price of the gift becomes some indicator of the persons love...and always of their family economical status. The lines between the classes become quite clear in the holiday. The pressures of the holiday are also why I hate it. Ive known so many who have been overstressed and humiliated because they couldnt give the best gift. They drive themselves crazy with decorations that only end up in the trash or take up space the other 11 months of the year. And the mothers? Oh my! They literally work themselves raw to over-stuff a family that rarely appreciates it and most often doesnt need that huge plate of food that makes them vow to lose weight come New Years. Season of giving? I dont think so. Sure, some will use the season to give to a group or food drive or program. A few may actually make a real difference and sacrifice for someone else as prompted by the holiday, but the fact that it all fades away just makes it more ludicrous to me. Its almost as if everyone is in a herd that says Lets take a few weeks and act civil and nice and medicate ourselves with materialism so we feel better about the way we treat each other the rest of the year. Or it becomes an excuse to do and be the people we should all year long. But come January its all gone...except the bills, which of course produce a new set of problems. But the real thing that gets me is that for 90% or more of the people in this country, they will go into debt for the new video game system for their kids without even thinking about the person next door with no heat, or food, or family. For too many a good Christmas isnt gifts and family...its survival. And while the holidays may have some of that in it, the fact that it fades just makes to the whole process a fantasy to me, and the reality is, we have enough people living in denial already. Were a nation of dreamers and entertainment addicts and the holiday steps up that frenzy in a way nothing else does. And like all other addictions, when the frenzy ends, the crash begins and this holiday leaves a wake of suicides, debt, depression and regret that everyone forgets each year til they get their next fix in another 11 months. Season of giving? Nope. I see the enslavement, the role playing, the fooling of self and the false teaching of children that Christmas is what giving looks like and to me theres nothing jolly about that. AND BEFORE YOU START SAYING But its about Jesus coming to earth as a gift for us. please remember that the roots of this holiday arent christian, (do your research) Jesus wasnt born in December, and to be honest, I really dont think Hes very happy watching His children do this to themselves in His name each year and ignoring Him and others the rest of the time. So call me a scrooge if you want. Im a realist who acts and says the same thing allllllll year long and not just during some fake holiday season everyone uses to feel good about themselves.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 21:37:21 +0000

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