Well yesterday was a very special day for me. I know most people - TopicsExpress


Well yesterday was a very special day for me. I know most people who know me cant imagine me not being a phone person but Im not. I will talk your ears off in person and love to laugh while doing it. For some reason I felt the urge and need to call 2 different friends of mine that I have known my entire life. First I spoke with Margie Dillon Hazelwood whos strength always seems to inspire me. No matter how difficult her pain in life is at any given time she always has time to listen and pull me up when I need it. For this I thank you Margie and promise I will use the phone more often. Later I called another dear friend Sandy Harrison Christman that I have known since both our Moms were pregnant with us at the exact same time. Sandy and I dont talk often but whenever we do we pick up like it was yesterday. She hears my voice and the first thing that happens is we start laughing for no reason at all, just missing one another. Sandys mother is still alive and well and busted us every time we thought we could get away with something. She found my cigarettes I had stuck in Sandys purse and caught us lying about our age to some surfer boys we wanted to date us. I think we were all of 13 at the time and I told them we were 16 ! I came up with all the ideas and poor Sandy would suffer along with me with those brilliant ideas. I just want to thank God today for 2 special people in my life who still want to be my very dearest friend. There are so many more of you out there I am blessed to have in my life so watch out girls, Im going to be making more calls to as many as I can reach to just say Thank You and I Love You. Yeah, to Bishop Kenny girls, all of you.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 18:25:25 +0000

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