Well you all know I try to make positives out of negatives ( Im - TopicsExpress


Well you all know I try to make positives out of negatives ( Im mostly successful at this! but not always!!! ) and some of my lovely ladies were concerned why I wasnt at work on Monday so I thought I would respond with my story( the negative ) and with a Public Announcement for Osteopathy ( the positive )!!! On Monday morning I woke up at 6AM to my usual routine and within 5 minutes I started feeling pain in my lower abdomen / pelvic area. I left the bathroom counter and had to sit on the toilet ( closed lid!! ) as I felt faint. The pain continued to get worse and I broke into a cold sweat and started to feel like I was going to vomit from the intensity of it. I got short of breath and confused and tried to lie on the floor but that wasnt working either. I knew I had to get off the floor and get help. *** Insert back story here --- I have had pain over the last year due to fibroids ( BIG ) and cysts and have had many exams, tests and doctors & specialist appointments, my next one and hopefully last is in 2 weeks --- many women struggle with this in their 40s when their hormones change!! Some just worse than others and unfortunately I got the short end of the stick on this one! I tell you this so there is no worry. OK -- so I crawl crying into my bedroom and my husband The Osteopath! wakes up to find me in pain on the floor unable to move. He quickly takes action to position me so that he can treat my middle region because at this point I can barely talk through the pain and tears and shortens of breath! and this is all I can do to explain the pain and its now just after 6 and hes barely awake!! After 30 minutes of Osteopathic Manual Therapy I was able to straighten my legs, breathe and feel the pain leave my body. I was able to get off the floor and into bed where I rested for the next 2 hours. So I know not everyone is lucky enough to have an Osteopath at home but hopefully you also are lucky enough not to be in dire pain and need one! My point is that I didnt have to go to the hospital and wait in ER. I didnt have to take any heavy medication and I taught Yoga the next day. I want EVERYONE to know about Osteopathy! If you are searching for someone to help you deal with your pain and even figuring out the reason behind it -- find an Osteopath near you and try it out! I am not saying it is the end all of health care but I believe it should be partnered with your medical care! I couldnt have gotten through this last year without my therapists ( Thank you John and Paul and of course my husband!!! ) while waiting for my next medical appointment, next exam, next specialist. Here are some links for you to check out if you are interested! I know from working in our clinic that there are many other amazing stories out there and I wish I could share them with you all! If you have one of your own please feel free to post it! osteopathyontario.org/about-osteopathy/why-choose-osteopathy/ osteopathy-canada/manual-osteopathy-philosophy/?
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 20:31:41 +0000

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