Welldone Aligs. A good protest & a good show of Unity. Now, You - TopicsExpress


Welldone Aligs. A good protest & a good show of Unity. Now, You all should know that the media isnt the real culprit but some minds which forward them such issues to make controversies. We all know that the media and the outside world is already prejudised about AMU & our whole community at large. Now whatever is forwarded to them with the tags of gender-bias communalism or extremism is hyped, sensetionalised. There are some people inside the University who call themselves communists & feminists who use their media links and their leftist lobby to defame AMU. They use some young minds influenced by them to give such statements in the press or news channels. What do they achieve by it? Their deep hatred with the word Muslim attached to the University, its unique culture, gets satisfied. Their personal motives like appointments etc., internal politics of AMU are achieved.They want to bring the western brand of culture here. Like a lady teacher of womens college has declared it in her own words, her lifes mission to change AMU. Cant muslims study in the environment. All these non-issues like Union, Library are used for it. They dont want to have a dialogue or discussion on these things inside the campus but they give it to media instead to put a pressure on AMU. This has not happened for the first time & neither it is last. But why this unprecedented hype when it is BJP Govt im the Centre, having that same ideology which took away from us our minority character and terror tagged us im the name of SIMI? Smriti Irani runs to support them too.. Note here that I am not targeting all the people adhering to communist ideology or womens rights advocates. But people who have made these a cover for themselves. Their contributions & activism to these causes are zero...these pseudo-feminists dont do anything real at the ground like for the women of near by localities around the campus...with all their big talks they also play politics of regionalism. They use their connections for a autheriterian kind of rule at the Histort deptt. where they ridicule Islam, students who observe Purdah, has a beard..even denied admissions. So, do whatever you think fit within the limits of Tehzeeb, have a discussion, invite for dialogues etc.. Targeting reporters will create more issues only.. V.C. saab should know a stop to this when he has got such a huge support from the student community. p.s Has put my conspiracy theory after a long time...was missing it. :-)
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 19:14:48 +0000

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