Wellll, happy happy Monday yall! May the book of your life be - TopicsExpress


Wellll, happy happy Monday yall! May the book of your life be a bestseller Remember when you were growing up as a child, and your parents would read bedtime stories to you or maybe even you have read to your children, how we or they would hang on to every word, and examine the details of every picture, waiting eagerly to hear what was on the next page? Have ever thought about the fact that our lives tell a story and it may be the closest thing to the Bible that others may ever read? In every situation, good, bad, or indifferent, people around us are watching and listening to the story we are telling. Our story is communicated not only through our words but also through our attitudes and actions as we respond to lifes ups and downs. Our children and grandchildren, spouses, neighbors, and coworkers can all observe the story were telling. Paul reminds us in 2 Cor 2:2-3, that as followers of Christ, our lives are like letters known and read by all men, an epistol of Christ, written not with ink but by the spirit of the living God What is the story that those around you are reading through the letters of your lives? Stories of forgiveness? Compassion? Generosity? Patience? Love? If youve experienced the joy of a grace filled life that comes from the Spirit of God in you, then welcome to the joy of being one of Gods great storytellers! Father God, we love You and we want our lives to tell the story of Your goodness and grace. May we be a bold witness of You. Use us in ways we never thought possible, and in Jesus name we pray, Amen Nasty looking start of a day here in Rochelle Illinois, but hey, gotta get that mac and cheese to this part of the world and when my wheels aint turning,,, I aint earning! Yall have a blessed day and remember, to let your life tell the story of Christs love and mercy to the world around you! Catchya come later, love yall!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 13:31:38 +0000

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