Welllll, Happy Happy Sunday yall!! My brothers and sisters, - TopicsExpress


Welllll, Happy Happy Sunday yall!! My brothers and sisters, when life is hard, may you have hope knowing that God is always there with you! When something terrible happens in your life,(and dont say it doesnt, coz if you are a Christian,satan is out to steal your joy, destroy your hope and kill your relationship with Jesus) are you ever tempted to ask,What good could come out of this? It looks like a disaster. It feels like a disaster. Therefore you conclude,It IS a disaster! This is when we need to remember Gods promise, I know the thoughts that I think towards you, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29: 11). And then theres Romans 8:28, which says, All things work together for good to those who love God! We need to remember the fact that God knows, in advance, everything that will happen to us. This means that there is nothing that takes God by surprise, even the difficult crisis in our lives. So when you find yourself worried about tomorrow, lift your cares up to the Lord. He has already seen the future, and because He is faithful, He will give you whatever you need to persevere through your problems. In the same way that King David was sustained through the valley of the shadow of death(Psalm 23:4), He will preserve and comfort you in every trial we face. Thats why we can rejoice with David and say, Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me through all the days of our life(v.6)! Father God, we dont know what might happen tomorrow, but You do! We cant cause good to come from any crisis, but You can. We wont always be able to meet our own needs, but You will. so when we suffer, please strengthen us with Your word and Your spirit so we can endure with joy, knowing that you ultimately have great things in store for us, and in the name of Jesus we pray, Amen. Well, times a wastin, gotta hit the road but just remember,,, God doesnt tell us that we will escape suffering or pain. Rather, He promises to miraculously use even bad situations for our ultimate good, and He assures us that we have a great future ahead of us! Yall be blessed and Ill catch you come later, oh yeah, and by the way, just in case know ones told you yet this morning and you didnt no it already,,, Jesus loves you and so do I!!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 11:50:42 +0000

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