Welllll, happy happy Tuesday yall! ! May the troubles of the - TopicsExpress


Welllll, happy happy Tuesday yall! ! May the troubles of the day not distract you that you may choose the good part, which shall not be taken away from you. You know, each and every day I drive these highways across the country and I see an alarming number of distracted drivers. Usually theyre talking on your phone or texting, but I have also seen people reading the newspaper, putting on makeup, eating a bowl of cereal, and even playing the guitar, while trying to maneuver a car at 70 plus miles per hour! Some distractions are harmless but in a moving vehicle,,, they can kill! Sometimes distractions can be a problem in our relationship with God. In fact that was the concern Jesus had for his friend Martha. She Was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made for a meal, (Luke 10:40). When she complained about her sister Marys lack of help, (apparently due to her devotion to Christ and His teachings), Jesus told her,Martha, Martha,you are worried and trouble about many things. But one thing is needed and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her (v.41-42). Marthas distractions were well-intentioned. But she was missing the opportunity to listen to Jesus and enjoy His presence! He is deserving of our deepest devotion, and He alone can fully enable us to overcome many of lifes distractions! Father God, we want a heart like Marys, that takes time to sit at Your feet and learn from You and be close to You. And we want a heart like Marthas, that takes time to serve you! In Jesus name we pray, Amen . Gotta roll out yall! Leaving Dodge City, KS and headin for Hazelton Pa. Been blessed this far as winter weather goes, praying that the blizzard in that area will be over and gone by the time I get there Friday! Praying for all those Buckeyes and anybody else that is in the path of the storm or being affected by it! Be blessed yall and keep this in mind,,, if you want to be miserable, look within,,, if you want to be distracted, look around,,, if you want to be peaceful, look up! Love yall, stay in, stay warm and stay safe and ill catch ya on the flip flop!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 15:21:06 +0000

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