Welllll, hello world, I know its been awhile but if you only knew - TopicsExpress


Welllll, hello world, I know its been awhile but if you only knew what all weve been through this past week. Mom got a flu shot on the 17th after she got her hair done and early Saturday morning (Which was also her 94th Birthday :( ) she slipped a little and hurt her knees. She wasnt feeling good and Im sure its because of the flu shot. Anyway, she was in horrendous pain and we called an ambulance because she could not stand on her legs. She gets to the hospital and this woman who calls herself a doctor, Dr. Diehl did an xray popped 2 tylenol in her mouth and released her!!!! Now she went via ambulance in her underware mind you. This doctor did not even see if she could walk and no pain control until she was being released, if you call 2 Tylenol pain control. It took 2 nurses and Dennis to lift her into the car with blankets wrapped around her bottom. Id also like to add that a 92 yr old woman in the ER in the bed next to my mom had fell and hit her head!!! The woman laid there w/o her wound being addressed til the blood was more than dry, Dennis said then this Dr. Diehl came in and stitched her up and sent her home too!!! Now I know for a head injury, esp someone that age she shouldve been admitted for observation!!!!! But NOPE!!! Anyway I had stayed home because he wanted to bring me a mask and then go up because of my immunity being so low and he calls me saying they had released her, grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! They get home and me and him had to lift her to get her into her wheel chair and then lift her up the steps which in turn hurt my back. I was glad there were not any fractures but seeings as she did not fall figured tendon or muscle damage and this doctor didnt do anything test wise to see if something was torn, etc let alone see if she could even stand!!!!!!!! Which realllllllly has me appalled to say the least!!! I called the hospital right away and got transfered to a woman who takes complaints and of course got her voicemail. That night, Saturday was horrible, she couldnt even roll over without screaming out in pain. She ended up finding a somewhat comfortable position with the help of a vicodin she had here at home, so we let her rest but when she had to go to the bathroom during the night, we literally had to lift her onto the porta potty hurting my back even more so, I didnt get any sleep and neither did Dennis. We tried again in the morning to see if she could at least stand, hoping even on one foot to help us transfer her to the porta potty and she was in more pain than the day before so we called an ambulance again!!! We get there and this doctor comes in, dont even look at her knees and says well there is no fractures, dughhhhhhhhh!!!! We told him what happened the day before and he said wellllll Ill put her in for observation and I asked about some testing to see if any muscle or tendon damage may have occured and hes like Sure, shell get an MRI in the morning Needless to say, they never done that either but reallllllly pushed some physical therapy out at the Nursing home and told us all would be taken care of, NOT!!! I had to scrape up $600 for her to go out there but thought that instead of taking the chance that shed fall because she could NOT stand up thought it would be better. Yeah right, since social services told us wrong and I had to get the money up front it was after 4pm on Monday and we were charged by the Nursing home for the whole day!!! So instead of getting 5 days of rehab, she got 4 but we paid for 5!!!! They called it a respit (sp?) yeah right, I was called at least 10 times a day from the beginning about this or that then had to go out to sign some HIPPA stuff and ended up being a rope in a game of tug of war, when one person was done with me someone else was waiting for this or that, unreal!! We went and picked her up yesterday and she is still in horrendous pain and now apparently has a UTI again!! I only know that because there was a new medication in with hers for Macrobid. They were supposed to tell me if any new medications were added PERIOD, let alone NOT telling me she had a UTI again!! When the doctor the second day admitted her I went to have my back addressed and found out the dr. would be this Dr. Diehl and I refused to be seen by her. The nurse asked me why and I told her that she was the reason I was there to begin with so the nurse comes back and tells me it will be at least a 4 hour wait, yeah right but what ever, I left as they sures hell were not making me comfortable thats for sure!!!!! I have never ever in my life ever heard of such incompetence (sp?) in my life with elderly people who are obviously in alot of pain and hurt, this is completely UNACCEPTABLE and am calling an attorney tomorrow. My mom is not a stranger to pain and this is killing me watching her go through all this!!! And she still hasnt had the muscles or tendons around her knees checked out!!! I also found out that the Nursing home has cut their staff DRASTICALLY but all the office people got big big BIG raises, like 20k a year kind of raises!!! The staff is being offered a 1% raise which is also totally unacceptable!!!! My father is out there and in the last 3 months hes fell out of his NEW chair twice!!!! Hed been in a chair for several yrs that not once did he fall out of but now that theyve made him switch, 2 TIMES!!!! I talked with several staff members and found out that at night they have 1 nurse on one side of the Nursing home and 1 for the other side!!! This Nursing home is quite large!!!!!!! But the admins got big hefty raises!!! Not only has FHN got some explaining to do but you can bet Stephenson Nursing Home also is in for some questions!!! This has all happened this past week. The house we WERE going to move to HA, thats another horrendous situation. All the windows are breaking because the house was not winterized and sat vacant. This move was supposed to be for the good and Ill be totally honest, its been a nightmare thats getting worse and worse by the day. All of us want to go home but now we have to make some repairs before we can and it figures that its winter!! I am so sick and tired of being SCREWED OVER whether it be by So Called Friends or the hospital, let alone my dads family who havent even cared to call and see how mom is in 8 FRICKEN YEARS!!! They dont and havent cared to even go see him out at the nursing home but ohhhhhhhhhhh they are Christian Folk. My mom and dad have fed, clothed and put rooves over their heads (most of them) at one time or another but they cant pick up a phone to see if she is even alive??? Ive watched my beautiful mothers heart be not merely broken but SHATTERED by the lack of any of them caring but my Uncle Ernie, Aunt Grace and my beautiful Aunt Rosie who went to heaven in 2013 so I hope they can live with it!! We (Dennis and I) have done all things for the right reasons but theyve all seemed to turn out bad and we just cannot understand it??? Dont get me wrong, wed do it all over again, shes soooooo worth it to us but damn, why cant we catch a little break?? Just a little one, ya know?? Ive found some numbers to get ahold of the VA for assistance for fixing what needs fixed for the house but I wanna go HOME NOW!!! Mom just told me, she has a harder time breathing here for some reason and me and Dennis are having problems breathing too!!! If we could, Id go home today but we gotta get 3 things taken care of first!!! If I hadnt trusted those about this place those things couldve done been taken care of now were stuck for a bit but you can bet were not going to be stuck any longer than we have too!!! This whole move, we were screwed by, defrauded and my depression is at an ALL TIME LOW!!!!! If I could find another place we might do that, at least then wed be out of this HOLE!!! The person who owns this place has all their stuff everywhere, we were going to get rid of it for them and then it would be Oh, noooo, I have to come over and go through it ????? Its a glorified storage unit, we couldnt move our stuff over even if we wanted too, plus its been a new plumbing leak every week and now the sewer pipe in the basement is putting crap out into the basement!!! UNREAL!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for such a long post but needed to get it out and yall are always here for me!! TRUE FAMILY>YOUs!!!! If anyone in the Freeport area knows anyone who has any rental property that we might be able to afford please get ahold of me as soon as possible, being here is making my depression get worse and worse and since moms injury its getting even worse!!! Please send prayers and energy they are needed more than ever :( I love you all and miss you so verrrrrrrrry much. Am praying things let up so my depression lifts some but so far, it isnt getting anything but worse!!! ILYs all the way to the stars and back 100s of times!!! Me (Us)
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 14:34:05 +0000

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