Wellllll this RD is kicking my backside again today. Such fun. I - TopicsExpress


Wellllll this RD is kicking my backside again today. Such fun. I have 3 types of pain going on. The hot ache in my fingers and toes, that ones fun because it feels like your joints may explode due to the swelling. Then I have the vice-like gripping pain in my spine and hips. Yum. Last but not least, the random shooting pains around my kidneys and down my legs and hips. Mix in the fatigue and brain fog, plus stiffness if I stop moving for longer than 15 minutes or so and you can safely say that my immune system is having a right old party! This is a flare. This happens to me nearly every 2 weeks, and lasts for anything from 2 days to a week. There is nothing I personally can do except listen to my body and rest where I can. Hot showers help, painkillers help, stroking the cats help, laughing helps. They havent found the right combination of medicines to combat it enough yet but I hope they do soon. In between flares there is still pain and fatigue every day, its just a bit more manageable. This is the reality of out of control Rheumatoid Disease. I have other stuff going on as well that Im not quite ready to accept, but yeah. Suffice to say its scary. It hurts. But my amazing Husband and Kids keep me going. Im lucky to be self employed so I dont have to make excuses to a boss, and lucky to have some awesome friends, and bloody lucky to have the NHS, even though I have been let down on more than a few occasions. We need awareness so that more funding goes to help find the cause and then the cure. Thats right, there is no cure currently. Shitty, hey? #rheum #RDawareness #RAawareness
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 17:31:56 +0000

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