Wellup…..I spent several hours in Fed. Court yesterday, being - TopicsExpress


Wellup…..I spent several hours in Fed. Court yesterday, being moral support for Patriots who are battling with our Big Bro. Govt.!!! WOOHOO! I love a good fight, when RIGHT is on our side!!! To see the battle of the minds is wonderful……amazing how sometimes games are played by those who dont have a leg to stand on.., meaning the Govt…!!! Half truths, deceit and the better than you attitude! I just love to walk in a look them in the eye with my red, white and blue attire!!! They KNOW who they are looking at…not Joyce Shaffer, but the TRUE AMERICAN SPIRIT embodied in a worn out body and frizzy hair!!! Ha! Many showed up in support, the courtroom was almost completely full!! Several patriots came from MILES away and more are yet to come from the other side of our State!! We want our govt. to UNDERSTAND we are tired of their pushy, illegal ways and arent going to take it anymore, regardless of how far we have to drive to support one another!! I am doing my bit and encouraging other patriots to SHOW UP, but not SPEAK UP! Let our numbers do the talking!! Two Federal Marshals are sitting in the room at all times and they look at us like we have two heads. We are respectful, kind and American to the core!! Fight fools with kindness…… HOWEVER….I DO have faith in the judge! He is very courteous, efficient and seems sensible. YES, he sticks out like a sore thumb and we LOVE IT!! We must continue to chip away at the corruption, although it is growing faster than bacteria in a piety dish!! Ha! Mr. o bombed Syria w/o the approval of Congress……..ONCE AGAIN, ALL ON HIS OWN!! Im wondering when the Federal Marshals will show up on the steps of the WH and haul his bony butt out on a rail!!! Hope Michelle is sleeping in her make-up….!!! Im not holding my breath, but thats what needs to happen? We the People need to put the pressure on our representatives to make this happen!!! The deeper the wart, the harder it is to cut it out…you know… So, with all this said, I will leave you with a link to my favorite video and get ready to listen to more battle of facts and wit……in Federal Court!!! Pray for America! If you dont have plans for the week…..show up in Grand Junction, CO. and support the patriot on trial!!! This decision will matter and effect ALL our lives!! It involves reclaiming the public lands for the American people!! Would love to see you here! Contact me for more info!! Blessings, ME https://youtube/watch?v=x2G3wGVAnlQ
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 14:09:02 +0000

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