Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos: two NYPD officers that wont be home - TopicsExpress


Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos: two NYPD officers that wont be home with their families this Christmas because a felonious, degenerate thug named Ismaaiyl Brinsley that lived a life of crime decided to end their existence as they sat in their marked police car on a street corner in Brooklyn. Then, like a coward, plugged himself in the subway as he was about to face a shitstorm of blue closing in around him. I havent seen much about this on the news. People should be outraged. A thug who just robbed a store can go out, assault a police officer, get shot after being warned numerous times by said officer, and be made a hero while thousands of people protest and burn their city down and the cop is made to look like the bad guy and its all over the news for six months. But two cops sitting in a car get AMBUSHED by a degenerate piece of shit that posted online he was going to put wings on two cops beforehand...and Ive seen about five minutes of it on the news. Is that fair? We can glorify the lives of thugs but we cant honor people police officers that die in the line of duty? Where are the protests now? Wheres Reverend Al Sharpton? Wheres Jesse Jackson? You both call yourselves humanitarians and say youre not racist...that youre for the rights of ALL PEOPLE? Well heres your time to shine, boys! Heres a time for both of you to prove to me that youre not about an agenda. Come on. Prove me wrong about everything Ive said. Get on TV and demand justice for these police officers. You wont. And you wont because neither of you give give a shit. And Id also like to add...people, theres a growing number of the population that thinks this type of behaviour is okay. There are millions of people who are glad that these cops got killed yesterday. Theres a growing number of people in this country that would rather live like rogues and bums than to have a police presence of any kind. There are people that actually think this is justified because of the shooting of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.So this is what I say to these people. If youre on my friends list and you think its a GOOD thing that these two cops wont see their families for this Christmas and EVERY SINGLE CHRISTMAS after that, promptly unfriend me PLEASE. Because I dont want to have anything to do with anybody that thinks its okay for a criminal to walk up to a car and kill two men that took an oath to serve and protect. I want every single one of you to try and imagine our society without police to protect us. When you watch the news every afternoon or evening and you see the pictures of this one that had a meth lab in the back of his car...of this one that robbed a band, or this one that shot a guy before taking his wallet...but they all got arrested. I want you to think about people like that running around on the streets while we dont have cops to protect us, our property and our families. It would be kind of like America sitting here all by itself with no military to protect us from a foreign threat wouldnt it? People need to drop their narrow perspectives and start looking at the bigger picture. This is utter bullshit. We need to start letting Law Enforcement do its job. Period. nypost/2014/12/20/2-nypd-cops-shot-execution-style-in-brooklyn/
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:55:42 +0000

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