Went skiing today at skiblackmountain.org for the 22nd time. - TopicsExpress


Went skiing today at skiblackmountain.org for the 22nd time. Possible THE best day yet... They are supposed to be open next weekend and with this new snow and more coming that seems likely. I went Friday & Saturday and today was even better. The bit of snow that fell on Saturday added a layer that made turning so easy. Almost like not turning at all. Yup had a few of those turns too. Can you say snow snake? The moguls under the chair lift were great. Im working on my Hannah Kearney poles out in front no hand movement turns with my pole plants on the tops and backs of each and every bump. NOT as easy as she makes it look... NOT by a long shot. But MUCH easier on the flats. Where every turn was a little pole bump then a flick of the skis and into the turn and onto the next one. I made my usual 80 - 100 turns on the beginner, hill and one run did it Valden style. (not sure of the name). Knees together, and swaying back and forth. Its tough to do when you get off balance a bit then have to recover. Which is actually the point. To get better balance. I made turns like this one run too: https://youtube/watch?v=gwJ7fuA3fsM but more of them and even a shorter distance between each turn. Rapid fire like he is doing. I was doing them on the beginner trail and flew by someone who made like two turns to my 50. Why? Each of my turns was generating speed. Yes generating. And theirs was scrubbing speed. So I was increasing my pace while they were decreasing theirs. It is always fun to do. To see how many I can make and still go by people who are hardly turning. On the 7th run (I think) I wanted to make as many turns from the top without stopping. I knew this was gonna be tough and it was going to HURT. I got ready on the lift with some deep breathing. Not sure if it helped or not. I coasted to the actual start of the trail (where it gets steep enough) and turned. One after the other and in THE fall line. ALL turns MUST be in the fall line. Like in the video. Which is harder on steeper terrain and I knew it was coming. I went around bend into the steeper section and angled my skis out to the side while my upper body facing down the hill the ENTIRE time. In this case the turns were scrubbing speed as to maintain control. I was literally bouncing from one side to the next as I initiated a new turn. The trail is slanted and it makes it awkward as one turn in short and quick while the other is more elongated. Of which I do know. Again improving balance. I was getting tired at about 100 turns in and was no where near the bottom. My breathing was getting quite labored. Until turn 170 I was having a really hard time. When it got easier. It was actually getting steeper so this was not due to it being easier. From turn 170 to about 250 it was the steepest part of the trail and I had to get the skis out even wider to stop the speed from creeping up on me. Of which I was able to do. The bouncing, was even more pronounced and so much fun. Then I hit the flat part at the bottom (there is flat run out to the lift line), and I was not sure if I could keep it up. I pressed on. 270, 280, getting close to the lift. Was I going to make 300. My ultimate goal. I pressed on. I was close at 290 turns... Then I passed 300 and was still not at the lift. I kept at it. 310, 315, 320. The last few turns were kind of mini turns. But after 300 I think I am allowed a few. I was breathing hard as I got on the lift and half way back up again. I made on more run and called it quits. I was coughing from exertion almost all the way back home. My shoulders do hurt a bit, but it is no wonder. Think of an entire day of normal, skiing and that was the amount of turns in just that run and maybe more. Then there were the hundreds of others. What a day!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 23:05:02 +0000

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