Went to Lowlands Research site in the valley today. As usual there - TopicsExpress


Went to Lowlands Research site in the valley today. As usual there are numerous game trails with lots of animal tracks. The most numerous tracks today are coyote with deer in second place and rabbit third.The river is mostly frozen over with some open water in places. The area deer are braver then me to walk across the river ice with fast flowing water under the ice. Beaver I was told are active upstream. Near sundown the coyotes started howling a kilometer to my east and down river. I responded with a few coyote bow wows myself. They shut up for a couple minutes then resumed their chorus. Stayed put for a while to see if the coyotes would come closer but they didnt. Of course the reason I went to the Lowlands Site was to replenish the gifting bucket before tomorrows snowstorm. I hadnt been there in over a month. Here is what I found. All food items were gone as usual but the hair brush was still in the bucket with the rubber duck. Nothing bit the duck this time like I found last week in Mountain Research Site one. I walked a loop around the better half of the area from the highway to a kilometer in and returned a hundred yards separated from where I walked in. Absolutely no humanoid tracks in the snow or I would have crossed them. The two inches of snow is new at only 24 hours old. The animal life in that river valley became active as soon as the snow ended. In my humble opinion there are no Sasquatch active in that location right now but that can change anytime. Signs of them from the past are still there.Since the killing October blizzard of 2013 that dropped a meter of snow with 100 kilometer winds and wiped out thousands of ranch cattle I cannot confirm any Sasquatch have returned to the area. I didnt go to Mountain Research area No.2 like I said I would because I dont have a gifting site there yet. After the storm I hope to get in there if I can negotiate a couple steep mountains with my 4X4 drive. That site is promising because of knocks and probable vocalizations. If the steep mountain road seems like a difficult climb back up after descending down I may leave the car on the top and not drive down but walk down. one or two miles walk is not bad. Hopefully next few days I will get there. I will post the picture from today in two batches. Check out the pics and make a comment. Here is BATCH NUMBER 1.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 01:09:20 +0000

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