Went to bed at 7:30 last night and got up at 8:00 this morning. I - TopicsExpress


Went to bed at 7:30 last night and got up at 8:00 this morning. I could have slept more but I decided that twelve hours sleep might start moving into the not-so-healthy dimension. But, I suppose I needed it. Yesterday was really hell on wheels. I didn’t take my evening meds. I didn’t eat any dinner. I just took a codeine (first in a couple of weeks) and laid flat. I couldn’t do any thing else since my chest next to the breast bone was still hurting but I dozed off pretty quickly. Somewhere half way into the night I was finally able to roll onto my side. Jim said yesterday, why does this kind of thing always happen on a week-end day or holiday? Murphy’s Law? No pain at the breast bone today although still touchy in the ribs on my side. Anyway, much better today. And, surprise! I found all of last night’s pills still in my little pill bowl this morning. Oh joy! What I’m going to do now with my pills is have a yogurt container unsealed but with the lid on and take a small amount of yogurt out on a spoon, push one pill into it and swallow. When I’m finished, cover the yogurt and put in back in the fridge. I managed to get about 10 pills down this morning that way and a few more at lunch. I do wish I was going to the ENT tomorrow rather than the skin doctor. Oh well, if wishes were horses - I’d have to buy a really big barn to put them all in. We go to the doc in the afternoon but first, in the morning, I’m going to try something different. I’m going to drive a couple of miles for the first time since May! So get your butts off Jefferson Blvd. between La Brea and Overland. Jim’s car needs repair and they’ll bring him home after he drops the car off. But when it’s ready, he’ll drive us to the repair shop and then he’ll drive his car home and I’ll drive the van. The problem is the oxygen tank. It’s usually tied down in the back but we’ll have to wedge it so it won’t fall over in the front seat. I have great faith in his ability to figure it out. Between the visitors I’ve had, the cards I’ve gotten, the phone calls I’ve had, and the comments here on FB, I feel like one of the luckiest people in the world. Yes, what I’m going through is difficult but people all over the world are going through this much and more yet they don’t have the support that I do. I am so grateful and I feel so very blessed. Thank you! I got off the barge a couple of times today so back up the gangplank and over to my chaise. My Nubian guard tells me that tomorrow is another temple. They are so beautiful. So I’ll drink my Thai ice tea, and eat a big white nectarine as we pull away from the quay and begin our journey down de Nile. I love you Every one of you
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 00:54:52 +0000

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