Went to see Into The Woods just now. (Before the movie): This - TopicsExpress


Went to see Into The Woods just now. (Before the movie): This theaters completely empty, this is awesome! But I wonder why; didnt this just come out a couple of weeks ago? (After the movie): Oh. Thats why. I cant even come up with a metaphor for it, and Im usually good at metaphors. The closest Ive come is if you took a classic bar fight scene, threw an orchestra in there, and maybe a clown car as well, and locked the door. Except instead of cowboys and musicians and whatnot, everyones a scriptwriter, and their only goal in life is to get as many of their own lines of dialogue into this movie as possible, plot be damned. Then, you get them all abysmally drunk, hand out pens and paper, and give them a three-hour deadline. Shout GO! for dramatic effect, if you like. After three hours, without warning, you drop the whole building down a moderately steep cliff. Whatever gets sieved from the wreckage or recovered from the surrounding landscape makes it into the movie. It wasnt horrible. Ive seen horrible movies. Emily Blunt and Meryl Streep had the best of it, and Anna Kendrick was okay. And theres a duet with two princes that borders on fabulous. But it coulda been so muck better.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 08:56:30 +0000

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