Were Pulse Gun Day 2: Sanctuary: Aimee Peltier Why - TopicsExpress


Were Pulse Gun Day 2: Sanctuary: Aimee Peltier Why did the new deliverymen insist on breaking at least five bottles in each case they carried in? Aimee would have better odds in getting her merchandise in tact if she asked Remi to haul it all in off the truck on a bad day..She hated to send a complaint to the delivery service headquarters--especially after last years fiasco with the former men who made this route having been killed by daimons here in New Orleans--but dammit, she wasnt going to continue paying for broken inventory. She had a business to run. No more Mrs. Nice Guy.By the Gods, would it be possible to NOT break anything on the way in? she asked in her no-nonsense tone. Shed had enough of being polite about it.. If I lose any more money on you two, Im going to have to take drastic measures.The younger of the two--he couldnt be more than thirty years old--gave her a half skeptical, half worried look. Like what, maam?Did she seriously look like a maam..? Joy. Time to be nasty.. Aimee lifted her chin. Do you know what happened to the previous deliverymen that came here? He stared at her blankly, obviously having no clue. They disappeared.His eyes went wide as the older man came in with another dollyfull of cases, suddenly beng careful with them. He leaned towards his partner and whispered, They died here in Nola..Shaking her head as she turned away to start counting cases, Aimee didnt bother listening to or watching the reaction. Maybe they would just do a good job from now on. She felt bad still for the lives of those two men having been lost, but she was done feeling responsible in some way.Sighing to herself, she tried to keep track of the new inventory as it was being stacked with the old stock, checking things off on her list after counting and organizing.A few minutes later, she jumped at the shrill sound of a yelp coming from outside by the truck.What the hell is THAT?! she heard the older man ask in alarm. Her blood ran cold as so many possibilities of what it could be ran through her mind.. Aimee put her clipboard down and ran outside through the bay door, stepping over the ramp from the truck to dash around to the side of it where she found the two men frozen against the passenger door..She followed their eyes to the end of the dark alleyway.. A dark form huddled against the next buildings trash cans, staring at them with predatory eyes that gleamed in the low light coming from the clouded skies above. It was a.. jaguar?What was a were doing out here in animal form when there were humans all over? She knew it was a were.. a regular animal wouldnt be so calm.Not knowing what else to do, Aimee spoke softly to the deliverymen. Go inside.. slowly. We dont want to startle him. Ill get this taken care of..They didnt hesitate for a moment, sliding along the truck and slipping inside as quick as they could without running, leaving her outside. She didnt move until she heard the inner door to the stock room slam shut.With a deep breath, she took a tentative step forward, stopping and raising her hands slowly when the male Were flinched. Its alright. Youre safe here. This is Sanctuary. My name is Aimee Peltier.. My family owns this place.He perked up a little as if he recognized the name. She had never seen him before, and she wondered where he had come from as he began to pad towards her uncertainly.When she thought of making a mind link to him, she sent out one of her own to her family members.. Weve got a visitor out back. Scared the delivery boys to death, but theres no danger. I think he may be lost.. Someone come and help me, but keep your teeth and claws to yourself!She spoke aloud to the wary male as he almost reached where she stood still. I have some family coming out. No one will harm you. Dev Aubert Peltier I was about to Flash outside when I remembered what Aimee had said about there being Humans around, yeah better not do that or Id have to get Maxis to Mind Wipe them and then they might forget something important. Instead I made my way out to where my only sister was kneeling over the form of a Katagari Jaguar. There didnt appear to be any signs of injury but my animal senses even as an Arcadian were sensing distress, perhaps I should get him up to Doc Whitethunder so he could check him over and maybe give him a shot for his nerves. Crouching next to my Sister I spoke in as soothing a tone as possible Its OK, were not going to hurt you. Im Dev, Aimees handsome brother. We have a Doctor upstairs, Im going to take you up there so he can take a look at you OK. Nobody can hurt you here, just relax and please dont try to bite me. I slid my arms under the Jaguar, my true nature as a bear gave me much more strength than most would think and I wasnt exactly a scrawny guy either. Lifting him I carried our new visitor up the back stairs to Carsons clinic, if there was something to be found then the Hawk would find it. Becca Peltier Becca had been tired of resting all day and Quinn was not back from the shop yet. She had just finished getting dressed when she heard her sister-in-law Aimee in her mind. Becca made her way down the stairs and through Peltier house. She made her way to the bay doors and ramp in time to see Dev picking up a jaguar. As he made his way towards her, she nodded to him. I will lead and hold open the doors for you. She looked at the jaguar the same way she would look at one of her cubs when they were scared or hurt. It is alright. You are in good hands. Making there way up to the clinic, Becca opened the door and held it, while Dev brought the poor jaguar through. SHe looked at her sister-in-law Aimee questioningly before turning back and calling out for Doc Whitethunder. Becca made sure the gurney was locked before Dev put the Jaguar on it. She did not want it to move accidentally and hurt it, or scare it even more. She backed away to make space for the Doc and the rest of them. She did not want to be in the way, but stayed near if needed. Kara Aimee Peltier *laying in bed up in the house I suddenly hear an A.P.ML (all points mind-link) from Aunt Aimee about an injured Jag in the clinic I throw on some clothes and flash to the third floor of Sanct and do a slide down the banister and rush into the Clinic.* Whats going on with a jaguar??? Francois Peltier *After Aimee let all of us know about the lost jag, I look up and see Dev carrying the lost and scared jag up to Doc Whitethunder. I walk up to the clinic and see Becca up there slowly backing away. I run up the rest of the way thinking something was wrong by the look on her face as she backed up. Then slow as I see Kara rushing in to also find out what is going on.* Hey Becca, any idea on whats happening? I thought something was wrong by the way you backed out. Hey Kara, sweet niece, good question. *I look up as I see Doc Whitethunder moving quickly yet carefully towards the jag* Hey Doc, do you think the poor thing will be OK? He looks terrified. *Looking towards the jag* Dont worry my man, the Doc here will help calm ya down. Youre definitely safe here at Sanctuary. *Looking towards my family I seriously hope that I am right about this. Thinking to myself this just seems so damn strange. I know we get random weres in here, but this seems off to me.* Quinn Peltier Hearing Aimee calling out to all, I put my foot down on the accelerator. Something is going down at Sanctuary and I need to get there fast. The first day I actually had some free time, and yet another crisis hits home. Parking, I run through the back door to the clinic. Running up the stairs I see Becca, Dev and Francois standing all outside the door. As I look in I see Carson and Kara busy with a male jaguar. All are speaking to him in soothing tones so as to not get him worked up more. Do we know what is wrong yet? Francois Peltier *Looking over to Quinn* We havent heard yet, we just know that something isnt right with him. Hopefully he will calm down enough to change forms and tell us what is going on and why he seemed lost and scared. *Turning back to watch Carson and Kara with the jaguar, ready to jump in if he tries to take a bite out of Kara, knowing the Doc can take care of himself.* Carson Whitethunder Working with Abrax in the kennels, I finish drying him and put him back in and feed him. I head to the next kennel when I hear Becca call out to me in an almost desperate voice. I stop and head into the clinic to find her and Quinn helping Dev get an animal onto a gurney. I look up at all of them shocked. Is that a....a Jaguar? What in the green grapes is a Jaguar doing in Sanctuary? As Dev gives me the rundown on what happened, I look at the male. He looked healthy and quite frightened. The jaguars didnt normally venture this far over. Most of them were in the Harvey, Louisiana area. Not that they didnt come here, but they didnt interact with the Peltiers much. I don gloves and get down to eye level with him. His eyes are focused and bright with intelligence and a lot of fear radiating out of them. My name is Carson, Im an Arcadian hawk. Im the doctor and vet here.*raising my hands to show him my gloves* Im going to do a quick check on you alright? I tell him. He lets out a deep breath and closes his eyes. I take that as a go to proceed. Running my hands over his short fur, I feel no abrasions or contusions. I open his mouth and check his teeth to determine his approximate age. He looks to be over puberty. I say. Checking his tongue and the back of his throat, he shows no signs of infection there. Knowing he hasnt shifted by the info the others have given me, he looks exhausted. I pull up my office chair. Sitting, I get comfortable. Im going to take a look on the inside. I need complete silence please. *looking to the male were* I am going to astral project and take a look for any internal injuries. You wont feel a thing I promise. Focusing my mind on the Jaguars body, I feel a tingling sensation as I rise up from my body. Seeing myself and the Jaguar below me, I move down and into his fur. Passing through, I see sinew and muscle. The blood pumping through his veins. I feel the fast rhythmic beating of his heart. Looking at each vital organ, everything looks just as it should. I retreat to my own body and take a deep steadying breath. Looking up, I tell them. Physically hes fine. *looking at Aimee* What did he tell you when you mind linked with him?She looks at me and says he didnt respond. Looking back at the Jag, I send him a mind link. Whats your name were? *no response* Are you from the Harvey area? *no response* What happened to you? Im getting no respond at all from him. The fluorescent lights above blink rapidly for a moment and he growls and starts shivering. Giving a very feline cry, everyone in the room tenses and Dev goes on the offensive as does Quinn. No doubt they could handle an attack, I raise my hand to halt any sudden movements. They stop, but keep at the ready to came the were. Hes frightened. Ive seen this before. When the lion came to the clinic after being shot by the pulse gun. But it couldnt be that. *I look at them my brows furrowed* I thought Savitar destroyed all of them. If this were has been hit with a pulse gun, we are in deep doodoo. When the last victim was here, Angelia and her brother Dare were involved in that hot mess. That pride suffered greatly because the lion will never regain his majik. Looking at Aimee, if this is truly what I think, then we have a serious problem.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 16:00:24 +0000

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