Were going to start this all over again. — Rep. John Fleming - TopicsExpress


Were going to start this all over again. — Rep. John Fleming (R-LA) The shutdown is over, but lawmakers are already looking toward the next fight over womens health and rights. The demands were outrageous. Strip insurance coverage from millions of women and families. Give employers the power to deny women access to affordable birth control. Take away health care; take away rights from women. Every step of the way, the politicians who shut down our government targeted womens health and rights. And even though the shutdown has ended, the threats are still very real. Will you help make sure were ready for the fights to come? A lot of folks are breathing a sigh of relief right now, and I can understand that. But, Im not ready to rest because I know this isnt over. The lawmakers who drove us to the brink of catastrophe over their anti-womens health agenda arent giving up — theyre just regrouping. As Congress finally voted to end the shutdown and raise the debt ceiling, Rep. John Fleming (R-LA) told reporters, That will get us into Round 2. See, were going to start this all over again. Theres no question about their intentions. Theres no question about their agenda. The only question is: will we be ready? Click here to make a gift to Planned Parenthood Action Fund. We need your help to protect womens access to affordable health care. We need your strength as we enter another fight over who makes decisions about your birth control coverage — you or your boss. We need your support and generosity as were forced once again to defend the basic right of every woman to make her own medical decisions. It wont get easier, no matter what you hear from pundits and politicians over the next few days. Our opponents were willing to risk national default and global crisis to force their agenda on American women. They are relentless — and that means we have to be just as determined. Make your gift today. We were able to protect womens health during this shutdown fight because of the unyielding support of people like you. You helped make sure that President Obama and champions of womens health in Congress never gave in. Its a reminder of just how powerful we can be when we stand together. Thanks for sticking with us. Sincerely, Cecile Richards, President Planned Parenthood Action Fund visit plannedparenthoodaction.org © 2013 Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 19:37:06 +0000

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