Were on our way to Tallahassee tomorrow and the GAME IS ON! NOW - TopicsExpress


Were on our way to Tallahassee tomorrow and the GAME IS ON! NOW our work begins! We have been working on writing a bill to end common core and high stakes testing in Florida for months and it is now in Bill Drafting. Our champion to carry it is Rep Ben Albritton. This bill is GOOD! Therefore, it’s going to be VERY tough to get it heard as the leadership is still tied to Jeb Bush. The only way we can beat the money and power interests raking in piles from this is overwhelming force and knowledge. We need to get all our legislators to insist that this bill gets heard in committee. We voted them in. They work for US not Jeb Bush! Here’s how you can help. I have written a generic letter to legislators you can use or modify as needed. The letter asks the legislator to commit to helping us pass legislation this year. We will be putting in the bill number as soon as the bill emerges from bill drafting. This letter needs to be signed by every group and individual we can find, including school boards, associations, grassroots groups, other legislators, experts and so on. If you are a member of a group, or just wish to sign on as an individual, please email or call me and I’ll add you to the list of groups signing. We need a list of hundreds of organizations and thousands and thousands of people. EVERY legislator needs multiple visits from LOTS of constituents until they agree to sign on. Invite them to workshops and town meetings locally. Education and Finance Committee members are especially important. We are also going to converge in Tallahassee Jan 20-22 to visit legislators there. We will ask to meet with the Governor as well. We need BUSSES! We need to show united support, from opt out groups, unions, teachers, tea party, parent groups, school boards, experts and moms and dads, to come together as all our needs are met by this bill. There is something in this bill for all sides to love. We need to all wear red and be ready with simple facts and evidence. We won’t be loud and angry, just logical, well informed, polite and insistent. We are ready for this! Our time is NOW. Please call me with your ideas and results. I have a large chart with all the legislators on it and I’m counting noses. Let me know who we can count as friend or foe as soon as possible. We need to be thorough and systematic. Warmest wishes! Chris Quackenbush 239-823-2980 stopcommoncoreFL facebook/stopcommoncorefl “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.” Mahatma Gandhi
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 00:03:15 +0000

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