Were stuck. The truth-and-justice sector of society is stuck in - TopicsExpress


Were stuck. The truth-and-justice sector of society is stuck in the US. We understand that government and business and business are robbing us and killing Palestinians, and killing black people, among other crimes, but we also know that corporate power is so great now that the power system ignores public opinion and ignores and even insults anyone publicly protesting. The standard protest model of carrying signs, marching, and signing petitions is dead. These protest and social change tactics DO NOT WORK. We found a large segment of the so-called progressive movement IN DENIAL of reality, and an even larger segment of society which understands the problem but also recognizes that we, A) have no national Left-Progressive organization, and B) the old tried-and-true tactics of publicly pressing the President and Congress (and even the courts) are useless, ineffective. The political system, always in the grip of the rich, is now totally in the grip of the rich ruling class. The political system doesnt even bother to create appearances as if corruption or justice, or human lives matter. --- We on the Left must come to terms with the fact that we are powerless, using the old tactics of social change. We can expect the 350 dot orgs and the MoveOns and other fake and fearful organizations to remain forever tied to electoral politics and useless lobbying. At some point, we can only hope that the people will recognize that they are treated with contempt by both the ruling class and the lying, betraying political class. We vote for them only for them to enable the corporations to plunder the planet, and to kill and incarcerate the now-useless working class.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 19:01:55 +0000

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