Were talking about an ideology marked by the selling off of public - TopicsExpress


Were talking about an ideology marked by the selling off of public goods to private interests; the attack on social provisions; the rise of the corporate state organized around privatization, free trade, and deregulation; the celebration of self interests over social need; the elevation of the notion that profit-making is basically the essence of democracy to the highest ideal and the utterly reductionist notion that consumption is the only applicable form of citizenship. But even more than that, it upholds the notion that the market serves as a model for structuring all social relations: not just the economy, but the governing of all of social life. I think that as a mode of governance, it is really quite dreadful because it tends to produce identities, subjects, ways of life driven by a kind of survival of the fittest ethic, grounded in the notion of the free, possessive individual and committed to the right of individual and ruling groups to accrue wealth removed from matters of ethics and social cost. truth-out.org/opinion/item/26885-henry-giroux-on-the-rise-of-neoliberalism
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 13:45:48 +0000

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