Werewolf Apocalypse Game: AKA, the game of you put WHAT in that - TopicsExpress


Werewolf Apocalypse Game: AKA, the game of you put WHAT in that sword?! So last week we started a game of werewolf. The first session went surprisingly well and Ill give you the cliffnotes here. Our characters were brought together to form a pack, we were then sent off to Seattle to find out what was killing the local packs there, I dug a den beneath a motel cabin, and we investigated a hotel. The hotel and the land around it was completely corrupted by the werewolfs eternal enemy the wyrms. We panicked, one of the characters (Alice) decided F*ck this, Im leaving and took a taxi out of town. Meanwhile, myself and our new alpha (Claye), broke into a university and stole a massive chunk of magnesium. Start of the next session, my character (who spends ALL of his time in wolf form) and the science kid called David are driving around town sniffing out the local areas trying to pick up any scent or trail of the packs that were here before us. We manage to find a warehouse, but before we investigate someone knocks on our cabin door and were called back. Turns out one of the local wolves is still alive (insert new character) and he joins the group. We then all head back to the warehouse as a group where I stumble across the corpse of one of the werewolves. Its been burned to a crisp, is completely, dead, and then it gets up and attacks us. At first, our alpha charged into glorious combat, only to discover that this thing could basically regenerate all wounds. This is when science kid charged in and shoved a magnesium torch down the corpse-wolfs throat, closely followed by local-wolf summoning a massive horde of rats that immediately covered the corpse-wolfs body and started eating it. The corpse was swiftly dealt with, and we decided it would be a good idea to check out what the hotel looked like in the spirit realm. To do that, we would need to let our psychic-wolf (Eric) get close to the enemy and talk to it, which might end up having him turn on us if the spirit was powerful enough to control him or do horrible stuff to him. So we came up with a plan. Our alpha popped over to the local hardware store and purchased 60ft of chain, along with some phosphate, rat-sac and gardening tools, because science kid wanted to make some bombs. After chaining up psychic-wolf so that all he could do was talk, we readied ourselves to shift into the spirit realm. ... ... ... So after almost losing our psychic-wolf who nearly got EATEN by one of the local corrupted spirits, we decided that this was a BAD PLAN and we legged it back to the physical world. Its about now that we discovered that psychic-wolf had been infected, and somewhere between local-wolf using her magic powers to cleanse the taint from him and alpha+science kid threatening to cut his head off, we managed to learn a couple of important things. First, the infection that was killing the earth was concentrated entirely on the hotel. Second, it wanted to destroy humans, because humans are cancer. Third, it really, REALLY doesnt like humans. We were trying to figure out what to do when suddenly psychic-wolf tried to charge headlong into the proverbial fray, being in wolf form and faster than him, I managed to run him down, bite his scruff and hold him down until alpha could collect us. While that happened, science kid decided to drive off to make some bombs. Over the next two hours he managed to build two of them, and the third one... kind of blew up in his face. Fortunately, he survived, but next time we saw him he was most definitely missing his eyebrows. After some discussion, which may have involved more spirits, we postulated that there was a good chance that humanity was some form of anathema to this creature, the exact nature was debatable, but there was a good chance that if we could capture some spirit or essence of humanity we could funnel it into the Alphas ancestral sword (a zweihander to be precise) which (hopefully) would then cause aggravated damage to our evil wyrm foe. And thus, from this conversation, was born the great idea upon which we ended this session. Born of science kids mind, accepted by the will of the alpha and enacted by the psychic wolf, we performed a ritual that bound the spirit of Kim Kardashian directly into the alphas ancestral sword. Yes. Yes that is a thing. And it wont ever stop talking. Fortunately for me, only the science kid and psychic-wolf can hear its non-stop ravings (sucks to be them). But next session we are going into battle wielding the embodied essence of Kim Kardashian in a freaking zweihander. BOW DOWN BEFORE OUR GLORY!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:53:15 +0000

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