West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, - TopicsExpress


West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Syllabus for BCA West Bengal University of Technolog BCA Syllabus 1 Semester 1 Theory Sl Contact hrs/wk Credit No Course Code Topic L T P Total 1 BCA101 Digital Electronics 3 1 - 4 4 2 BCA102 Business Systems and Applications 3 1 - 4 4 3 BCA103 Introduction to Programming 3 1 - 4 4 4 BM101 Mathematics 3 1 - 4 4 5 BCA104 PC Software 3 1 - 4 4 Total of Theory 20 20 Practical 6 BCA194 PC Software Lab - - 6 6 4 7 BCA193 Programming Lab (C/ Pascal) - - 6 6 4 Total of Practical 12 8 Total 32 28 Semester 2 Theory Sl Contact hrs/wk Credit No Course Code Topic L T P Total 1 BCA201 Computer Architecture and Systems Software 3 1 - 4 4 2 BCA202 Information Systems Analysis & Design 3 1 - 4 4 3 BCA203 Computer Programming 3 1 - 4 4 4 BM201 Mathematics 3 1 - 4 4 5 HU201 English Language and Communication 3 1 - 4 4 Total of Theory 20 20 Practical 6 BCA293 Programming Lab (Visual Basic) - - 6 6 4 7 HU 291 Business Presentation and Language Lab - - 6 6 4 Total of Practical 12 8 Total 32 28 Semester 3 Theory Sl Contact hrs/wk Credit No Course Code Topic L T P Total 1 BCA301 Operating Systems 3 1 - 4 4 2 BCA302 Data Structures with C 3 1 - 4 4 3 BCA303 Graphics & Internet 3 1 - 4 4 4 BM301 Mathematics for Computing 3 1 - 4 4 5 BBA301 Management & Accounting 3 1 - 4 4 Total of Theory 20 20 Practical 6 BCA393 Internet & Computer Graphics Lab - - 6 6 4 7 BCA392 Programming Lab (Data Structure with C) - - 6 6 4 West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Syllabus for BCA West Bengal University of Technolog BCA Syllabus 2 Total of Practical 12 8 Total 32 28 Semester 4 Theory Sl Contact hrs/wk Credit No Course Code Topic L T P Total 1 BCA401 Data Base Management System 3 1 - 4 4 2 BCA402 Object-Oriented Programming with C++ 3 1 - 4 4 3 BCA403 Software Project Management and Quality Assurance 3 1 - 4 4 4 BM401 Statistics, Numerical Methods & Algorithms 3 1 - 4 4 5 HU401 Environment and Ecology 3 - - 3 3 Total of Theory 19 19 Practical 6 BCA491 Database Lab (Oracle) - - 6 6 4 7 BM491 Computing Lab - - 6 6 4 Total of Practical 12 8 31 27 Semester 5 Theory Sl Contact hrs/wk Credit No Course Code Topic L T P Total 1 BCA501 Data Communication & Computer Networks 3 1 - 4 4 2 BCA502 Unix and Shell Programming 3 1 - 4 4 3 BCA503 Windows Programming 3 1 - 4 4 4 BCA E501/A/B/C Elective 1 3 1 - 4 4 5 HU501 Values and Ethics of Profession 3 - - 3 3 Total of Theory 19 19 Practical 6 BCA591 Unix & Networking - - 4 4 3 7 BCA592 Minor Project - - 9 9 6 Total of Practical 13 9 Sessionals 8 BCA 593 Industrial Training - - 3 Total 32 31 6 to 8 weeks Industrial Training Semester 6 Theory Sl Contact hrs/wk Credit No Course Code Topic L T P Total 1 BCA E601/A/B/C Elective 2 3 1 - 4 4 2 BCA E602/A/B/C Elective 3 3 1 - 4 4 West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Syllabus for BCA West Bengal University of Technolog BCA Syllabus 3 Total of Theory 8 8 Sessionals 3 BCA693 Major project - - 21 21 16 4 BCA694 Seminar - - 3 2 5 BCA 695 Comprehensive Viva-Voce - - 4 Total of Sessionals 24 22 Total 32 30 Electives for semesters 5 and 6 Elective No. Elective Code Course Code Topic 1. BCA E501A Advanced Unix and Shell Programming BCA E501B Human Computer Interaction BCA E501 BCA E501C Multimedia & E-Commerce 2. BCA E601A Advanced networking and Communication BCA E601B Intelligent Systems BCA E601 BCA E601C Image Processing 3. BCA E602A Software Engineering BCA E602B Object Oriented Programming with Java BCA E602 BCA E602C Advanced Database Management Summary Semester No Contact hr/wk Credit 1 32 28 2 32 28 3 32 28 4 31 27 5 32 31 6 32 30 Total 172 Semester duration: 15 weeks Each lesson will consist of: 3 hours Lectures + 1 hour tutorial per week Total lab: 12 hours per week Detailed Syllabus Digital Electronics Code: BCA101 CONTACTS: 3L + 1 T CREDITS: 4 Data and number representation- binary-complement representation BCD-ASCII, conversion of numbers form one system to the other, 2’s complement representation, binary arithmetic Logic gates, basic logic operations, truth tables, Boolean expression, simplification Combination circuits, adders, Multiplexer, Sequential circuits, flip-flops, Registers, counter(Async &Sync) Memory circuits, ROM, PROM, EPROM and dynamic RAM, Digital Components Books: 1.Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, Anand Kumar,PHI 2Digital Electronics, Tokheim, TMH 3 Digital Electronics, S. Rangnekar, ISTE/EXCEL West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Syllabus for BCA West Bengal University of Technolog BCA Syllabus 4 4Digital Technology:Principles & Practice,Virendra Kumar,New Age International 5Digital Circuit & Design, Salivahan,VIKAS 6Electronic Circuits, Poornachandra,SCITECH Business Systems and Applications Code: BCA102 CONTACTS: 3L + 1 T CREDITS: 4 Use of computers for managerial applications, Technology issues and data processing in organisations, Introduction to Information Systems, shift in Information system thinking, latest trends in Information Technology Computer Based Information Systems- office automation systems. Decision making and MIS, transaction processing systems. Decision support system, Group Decision Support, Executive Information systems, DSS generator Introduction to: Artificial Intelligence Based Systems, End user computing, Distributed data processing. Deciding on IS architecture, IT leadership & IS strategic planning. Introduction to: IS strategy and effects of IT on competition. Introduction to: ERP, re-engineering work processes for IT applications, Business Process Redesign Knowledge engineering and data warehouse. Books: 1.Management Information System, O’Brien, TMH 2. Management Information System: A Concise Study,Kelkar,PHI 3.Decision support Systems, Janaki Raman, PHI 4 Business Information Systems, Munish Kumar, VIKAS 5.Business Application of Computers, M.M. Oka, EPH Introduction To Programming Code: BCA 103 CONTACTS: 3L + 1 T CREDITS: 4 Problem analysis, need for programmed languages, introduction to algorithms, algorithmic representations, Pseudocodes flow charts and decision tables, structured programming and modular programming . Over view of c. Constant, variables, data, types and size, variable declaration, operators and expressions, type conversion, conditional expression, special operators, precedence rules. Decision making, looping and control structures. Function, recursion, arrays, pointers, structures and unions, Managing input/output operations, formatted I/O, standard library/user-defined functions, file management in C. Handling of character strings, Dynamic memory allocations, linked list, Pre-processor. Developing different C Programs. Books: 1.Programming With C, Gottfried, TMH 2.The C Answer Book,Tondo,PHI 3.Programming & Problem Solving Through C Language, EXCEL BOOKS 4.Practical C Programming,Oualline,SPD/O’REILLY 5.A First Course in Pragramming with C, Jeyapoovan, VIKAS West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Syllabus for BCA West Bengal University of Technolog BCA Syllabus 5 6.C Programming made easy, Raja Ram, SCITECH 7.Projects Using C,Varalaxmi, SCITECH Mathematics Code: BM 101 CONTACTS: 3L + 1 T CREDITS: 4 Algebra: Sets, Union, intersection, complement, mapping, notion of group, ring, field with simple examples; Polynomials, division algorithm, fundamental theorem of classical algebra (without proof), Descartes rule of sign and their application, relation between roots and coefficients, symmetric function of roots, transformation of polynomial equations, Cardan’s solution of cubic equation. Matrices, addition and multiplication of matrices, inverse matrix, solution of linear equations in three variables by Cramer’s rule, solution of three line linear equations by matrix inversion method. Differential calculus: Limits of function and continuity, fundamental properties of continuous functions (without proof), geometric meaning of derivative and differential, rules of differentiation, successive differentiation, Rolle’s theorem, mean value theorem, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorems with Cauchy’s and Lagrange’s forms of reminder, Taylor’s series, function of several variables, partial derivatives, total differential, Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions of two variables. Introduction to: Application to plane curves. Integral calculus: Rules of integration of indefinite integrals, solution of definite integrals and their elementary properties, idea of improper integrals. Dimensional geometry: Transformation of rectangular axes, invariants, general equation of second degree – reduction to standard forms and classification, plane polar equation of a straight line, circle and conic. Books: 1.Engineering Mathematics, Vol:1 & Vol:2, Sastry,PHI 2.University Algebra through 600 Solved Problems, N. S. Gopalakrishnan, New Age International 3.Engineering Mathematics, Arumugam, SCITECH PC Software Code: BCA 104 CONTACTS: 3L + 1 T CREDITS: 4 Introduction MS Windows(Windows ’98 Second Edition) Desktop, creation of folders and shortcuts, features of Windows explorer Familiarisation and using MS packages – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, basic skills in using these tools.(Version MS-Office’2000) Books: 1.Introduction to Computers with MS-Office, Leon, TMH 2.Personal Computer Software, EXCEL BOOKS 3.A First Course in Computers 2003, Saxena, VIKAS 4.Computer Concepts & Windows,Stoline,SPD/LABYRINTH 5.Windows’98 in easy steps,Harshad Kotecha, Wiley Dreamtech 6.Office 2000 in easy steps, Stephen Copestake, Wiley Dreamtech 7.Windows & MS-Office 2000, Krishnan, SCITECH 8.Trouble Shooting Microsoft Windows,PHI/MSP West Bengal University of Technology BF-142, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064 Syllabus for BCA West Bengal University of Technolog BCA Syllabus 6 Computer Architecture and Systems Software Code: BCA201 CONTACTS: 3L + 1T CREDITS: 4 Microprocessors (8085 features), bus structure, Data representation, Register transfer and micro-operations, Central processing unit, Pipeline and vector processing. Computer arithmetic, Input-output organisation, Memory organisation, CPU architecture, instruction format, addressing mode, stacks and handling of interrupts. Basic computer organisation and design, programming the computer with assembly language (same basic applications), Micro-programmed control. Books: 1.Computer Organization, Hamacher, TMH 2.0000 to 8085 : Introduction to Microprocessors for Engineers & Scientists,Ghosh & Sridhar,PHI 3.Computer Organization & System Software, EXCEL BOOKS 4.System Architecture, Burd, VIKAS Information Systems Analysis & Design Code: BCA 202 CONTACTS: 3L + 1 T CREDITS: 4 Overview of System analysis and design: Development life cycle (Waterfall, Spiral, incremental models), feasibility studies, Requirements determination, Logical design, Physical design, Program design, Risk and feasibility analysis, prototyping Information requirement analysis: Process modelling with physical and logical data flow diagrams, Data modelling with entity relationship diagrams, Normalization upto 3NF System design: Process descriptions, Input/output controls, object modelling, Database design, User Interface design, Documentation, Data Dictionary, Development methodologies: Top down, bottom up, structured chart, decision table, decision tree, CASE productivity tools. Testing – Unit, integration, system, Acceptance, regression, Test Case generation Case studies. Books: 1.System Analysis & Design, Parthasarathi, EPH 2. Analysis & Design of Information Systems,Rajaraman,PHI 3.Analysis & Design of Information Systems, Senn , MH 4.Information Systems: Analysis and Design,Ram Bansal ‘Vigyacharya’,New Age International. 5.System Analysis, Design & MIS, EXCEL BOOKS 6.Analysis, Design & Implementation of Information System, Sharma, VIKAS 7.System Analysis & Design, V.K. Jain, Wiley Dreamtech Computer Programming Code: BCA 203 CONTACTS: 3L + 1 T CREDITS: 4 Introduction to visual Basic, polymorphism, inheritance, class, object etc. Creating standard exe file. Forms, Tool Bar, different Tools (Text Box, label, combo box, list box, timer, Picture, image, command button). Code window. Basic event based programming on controls. Including multiple forms within a project. Saving forms and projects. Using data control for database oriented application (Back end MsAccess). Arrays – Single dimensional, two dimensional, dynamic Searching – Linear and binary, sorting-bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort; Function and sub-routine-defining a function, referencing a function; defining a subroutine, referencing a subroutine; string processing-string function, concatenation, alphabetical sorting; Data filessequential data file, random access files. Books:
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 05:20:31 +0000

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