West Point Presbyterian Church March 16th, 2014 2nd Sunday of - TopicsExpress


West Point Presbyterian Church March 16th, 2014 2nd Sunday of Lent Ministers: All of Us Clergy: Rev. David Peters (902) 314-2130 Email: david_e_peters@yahoo Organist: Marlene Bolger OUR APPROACH TO GOD Prelude Welcome/Announcements Call To Worship Sanctus: #277 Holy, holy, holy (Blue Hymnal) Opening Prayer/The Lord’s Prayer (debts, debtors) Opening Hymn: #382 Come, Holy Spirit Prayer of Confession/Assurance of Pardon Responsive Reading: Psalm 121 (page 965) Gloria Patri Lenten Liturgy Family Time Music Selection First Reading: John 3:1-17 (page 1049) Hymn: #564 Just a Closer Walk with Thee WE RESPOND Offering and *Doxology # 603 (Blue Hymnal) Offertory Prayer PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD Second Reading: Genesis 12:1-9 (page 17) Sermon: Where you lead me I will follow Prayers of the Peop1e Closing Hymn: #302 Lamb of God Commissioning/Benediction Go Now In Peace (printed inside grey hymnal – back cover) Postlude ANNOUNCEMENTS A warm welcome is extended to each of you at this worship service this morning. May our time together be a nurturing and supportive time for all who gather as part of our church family. If you are visiting, please introduce yourself and sign the guest book. The depot is no longer accepting the milk and juice plugs. Please continue to collect and save pop and bread tabs. Thank you so much for all your contributions- they are much appreciated. Happy Birthday to Catherine Livingstone on Tuesday, March 18th. To sponsor the bulletin or place in it an announcement, please contact Mary Lou (859-2394) or email [email protected] by Thursday. PRESBYTERIAN PRAYER PARTNERSHIP: Pray for those who receive and count the Sunday offering—that they will be blessed in this important task. STEWARDSHIP MOMENT: Take care of yourself — you never know when the world will need you. Rabbi Hillel (BC 110 – AD 10), scholar, sage, religious leader MISSION MOMENT: Sharing and Caring in Malawi…Through PWS&D’s “Building Sustainable Livelihoods” program, groups of women are being supported as they form self-help groups. Although they are often the poorest in their communities, they are learning to save and lend generously amongst themselves in order to build better futures. Prior to joining her self-help group, Mary Jere cut grass and sold thatch for income. She often struggled to afford enough food to feed her family. Today, Mary’s main source of income comes from the group. Two small loans totaling about $30 allowed her to grow vegetables and buy fertilizer. She has used the profits to build her family a new brick house and help others in her community as well. PWS&D responds to meet community needs
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 00:09:50 +0000

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