Western Journalism This Could Get Beyond Our Control... - TopicsExpress


Western Journalism This Could Get Beyond Our Control... -Senator Rand Paul And yet... in spite of the fact that Barack Obama has already called the Ebola outbreak a national security priority ... and in spite of the fact that he has the statutory and legal authority to do so... Barack Obama is REFUSING to ENFORCE THE LAW by implementing reasonable travel bans and visa and entry restrictions on people coming into the United States from Ebola infected countries. Theres only one way to stop this insanity. Our elected officials need to step up to the plate. They need to pound on their bully pulpits every second of every day until they SHAME Mr. I-Have-A-Pen-And-I-Have-A-Phone into enforcing the law and implementing a reasonable travel ban. But make no mistake, our elected officials WONT do it on their own, they must hear from you... and they need to hear from you now... before it is too late. Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership. Yes Floyd: Send My Faxes The Government Is Lying To You. But before we delve into our governments half-truths and half-measures, let us state, for the record, that if you believe our government is not being straight with you, youre not in a panic and youre not giving in to to irrational fears. Far from it and, in spite of what you may be hearing from the Obama Regime, the lame-stream media and even some Obama apparatchiks who have medical degrees, demanding that our government take reasonable precautions and temporarily restrict travel into the United States to avoid what Mr. Obama has already called a national security priority does not make you a kook or a wing-nut with a tin-foil hat. Its just common sense. And you dont need to be a medical doctor or a microbiologist to understand that our government is not being totally straight with you. When it comes to the possibility of an Ebola outbreak in the United States, our government is allowing politics to trump public safety. As Senator Paul stated: This could get beyond our control ... I think because of political correctness were not really making sound, rational, scientific decisions... Were being told that no one who is showing outward signs of Ebola is being allowed into the United States. But wait a minute, if Ebola can incubate inside of a human host for up to 21 days, how are we stopping the infected, who show no outward symptoms, from coming into the country? The short answer is, were not, but were told thats okay because the same people who told you that you can keep your doctor if you like your doctor... the same people who told you that ISIS is a jayvee team ... the same people who told you that there was not a smidgen of corruption at the IRS... the same people who allowed untold numbers of veterans to die as they waited on secret lists for essential medical care... is now telling us that everything is okay... were being told that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will somehow be able to locate these people after theyve become contagious and isolate them to control the spread of the disease. Thousands of people from Ebola-infected countries and adjacent countries come into the United States every day. Are we to believe that our government has the resources to track thousands... tens-of-thousands...? Keep in mind, the CDC is called the Centers for Disease Control for a reason and the crucial question that no one is asking in this case is; what exactly constitutes an acceptable level of disease control? Thats a question we dont want answered and the power to ensure that we dont get an answer to that question lies with you and the action you take now. Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership. Yes Floyd: Send My Faxes And While Were On The Topic Of Government Lies... Even if you believe that the CDC is capable of identifying and isolating all of the infected after the fact, how does the CDC propose to monitor all of the people who had direct and indirect contact with the infected individual? The short answer is, they cant. Oh yes, were being reassured that Ebola cant be spread through the air and that transmission is only possible through direct contact with body fluids, but one of the pesky facts about Ebola that the government is downplaying is that the Ebola virus can live outside of a human host. Its not necessary to come in contact with the infected individual... you only need to come in contact with an infected individuals body fluids. Heres what the Public Health Agency of Canada says: Filoviruses have been reported capable to survive for weeks in blood and can also survive on contaminated surfaces... Ebolavirus dried onto glass, polymeric silicone rubber, or painted aluminum alloy is able to survive in the dark for several hours under ambient conditions... When dried in tissue culture media onto glass and stored at 4C [approximately 40 degrees Farenheit], Zaire ebolavirus survived for over 50 days. In other words, is it possible for a man carrying the Ebola virus to enter the country, show symptoms of the disease and become contagious days later, sneeze or cough on his hand, touch a door-knob (or some other surface) and infect others... perhaps hundreds... who touch that door-knob hours (or even days) later? The short answer is, the government doesnt know, and even the medical community is unwilling to totally discount the possibility. The only response to that question has been equivocation... begrudging admissions that its possible. The truth of the matter is that the medical community knows very little about Ebola and, in light of what is not known, why is the Obama Regime refusing to implement reasonable travel restrictions on those who are coming from countries in West Africa or have recently travelled to countries in West Africa? Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership. Yes Floyd: Send My Faxes But Were Not Done Yet. Heres What The Scientific And Medical Community Is Saying Behind Closed Doors. The New York Times published an Opinion Editorial last month by Dr. Michael T. Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. Heres what Osterholm says: What is not getting said publicly, despite briefings and discussions in the inner circles of the worlds public health agencies, is that we are in totally uncharted waters and that Mother Nature is the only force in charge of the crisis at this time. Osterholm outlines a scenario that virologists are loath to discuss openly but are definitely considering in private, namely, that an Ebola virus could mutate to become transmissible through the air. You can now get Ebola only through direct contact with bodily fluids. But viruses like Ebola are notoriously sloppy in replicating, meaning the virus entering one person may be genetically different from the virus entering the next. The current Ebola viruss hyper-evolution is unprecedented; there has been more human-to-human transmission in the past four months than most likely occurred in the last 500 to 1,000 years. Each new infection represents trillions of throws of the genetic dice. Osterholm goes on to discuss a very recent case in which the Ebola virus has spread through the respiratory route from pigs to monkeys. In other words, mutations of Ebola that can be spread through the air already exist in the animal world! And Osterholm adds: Why are public officials afraid to discuss this? They dont want to be accused of screaming Fire! in a crowded theater — as Im sure some will accuse me of doing. But the risk is real, and until we consider it, the world will not be prepared to do what is necessary to end the epidemic. Osterholm penned this editorial weeks ago, long before Ebola hit the news cycle in the United States. Keeping in mind that so much is unknown, is it unreasonable to demand that our elected officials shame the Obama Regime into implementing travel restrictions from infected countries and barring entry into the United States from those who have recently travelled to infected countries? Do not trust the Obama Regime and dont let anyone tell you that youre nuts for demanding that our government act in a reasonable manner. Its time to call some elected officials on the carpet and if youre reading this alert, then youre among an elite group of patriotic Americans and activists who are willing and able to exert the necessary pressure to make them act in a reasonable manner. Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership. Yes Floyd: Send My Faxes Which Republicans See The Danger And Which Are Equivocating? Rand Paul is not the only politician who respects the danger we are facing. A small - much too small - number of elected officials already see the handwriting on the wall: - Due to the Obama administrations unclear approach to addressing the threat of the Ebola virus, Americans — particularly the Texans who have possibly been exposed — deserve specific answers to how the administration is addressing travel to and from the countries impacted by the disease. -Senator Ted Cruz - The presidents priorities are all mixed up here. All you got to do is shut down traffic in and out of places where theres high risk of Ebola. -Congressman Louie Gohmert - President Obama said it was unlikely that Ebola would reach the U.S. Well, it has, and we need to protect our people. -Bobby Jindal - Congressman Lamar Smith says that its totally appropriate to review our policies for travel to and from the countries most affected by the Ebola outbreak and Politico reports: Rep. Tom Cotton, whos running against Sen. Mark Pryor in one of the tightest Senate races in the country — suggested suspending thousands of visas for people from the African countries affected by the outbreak. While some are waking up and see the dangers, there is a huge problem. The liberal media is beating up any politician who is daring to challenge the Obama Regimes do-nothing narrative and far too many in the Republican leadership are getting the message... loud and clear... and they are equivocating. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy proclaimed: How could we possibly stop all that? I dont know that [flight restrictions on] planes does that. Weve got to go to the core of the problem... and invest in a vaccine and a treatment so we cure it once and for all. Newsflash Congressman McCarthy, epidemics do not wait on vaccines. But wait until hear what Paul Ryan did. After clearly suggesting on a radio show that people who are coming from infected countries should be quarantined, Ryans staff rushed to issue a clarification. Politico reported: A spokesman for Ryan says the congressman misspoke and was referencing a recommendation to be monitored for 21 days. Hows that for a politically correct back-track? What spooked Ryans staff? Answer: the liberal media. Make no mistake, the lame stream media is defining the narrative for our elected officials and the media will continue to set the narrative unless patriotic Americans, like you, confront these elected officials. They fear the media and if you dont speak up, they will back down. Matthew Continetti, the Editor in Chief of the Washington Free Beacon, outlined the dangers and the steps our elected officials must take best: It is not Ebola I am afraid of. It is our governments ability to deal with Ebola. ... The only response to a virus this deadly is to quarantine it. Stop flights, suspend visas, and beef up customs and security. It can be done. Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership. Yes Floyd: Send My Faxes Would The Government Really Lie To Us? Perhaps the more appropriate question to ask is; when was the last time the Obama Regime told us the truth about anything? So whats the problem with stopping flights and suspending visas? Politico reports the Obama Regimes response: At a White House briefing Friday, Lisa Monaco, a White House adviser on homeland security and counterterrorism, argued that a flight ban would actually impede the response because it would make it harder to get medical help to the region. Is she kidding? Reasonable people could ask, why not stop flights and suspend visas for everyone EXCEPT medical personnel who go to affected countries to combat the disease? We could fly them in directly on government planes, fly them back to the United States on government planes and quarantine them... deluxe, five-star accommodations... for 21 days upon their return? But to ask such a question would confound the Obama Regime narrative. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University, gave the real reason our elected officials are not acting in our best interest, perhaps without realizing the implications of what he was saying: We cant just isolate ourselves from the world... There it is. To the Kumbaya crowd, the political elites and the United Nations types in our government, it is far better to sacrifice the lives of Americans than to insult the despotic dictators of third-world countries. And if you have to ask if such a sentiment, on the part of our elected officials, is possible, then youve already forgotten the recent Veterans Administration scandal... and youve already forgotten that Barack Hussein Obama felt compelled to apologize, on bended knee, after brave Americans were brutally slaughtered in Benghazi. Karin McQuillan, writing for the American Thinker sums up the sentiment as follows: Democrats are okay with some dead Americans. Americans in their own homes, sacrificed on the altar of liberal hubris about the power of government and political correctness.... For liberals, multiculturalism trumps protecting Americans lives. Democrats tell us it is unthinkable to suspend air travel from West Africa. We must continue to allow thousands of West Africans to fly here every month. Continetti agrees: If the FAA can cancel flights to Israel, why cant it cancel flights to and from the West African countries whence the outbreak originated? Simple: because doing so would violate the sacred principles by which our bourgeois liberal elite operate. To deny an individual entry to the United States over fears of contamination would offend our elites sense of humanitarian cosmopolitanism. For them, singling out nations or cultures from which threats to the public health or safety of the United States originate is illegitimate. It stigmatizes those nations or cultures, it shames them, it makes them feel unequal. Its judgmental. It suggests that America prefers her already existing citizens to others. Well... its time to shame some politicians. American lives must not be sacrificed on the altar of one-world-order political correctness and if our elected leaders dont instinctively understand such a simple concept, its up to us as patriotic Americans to make sure that they get the message! Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership. Yes Floyd: Send My Faxes Floyd Brown The Western Center for Journalism is a 501©3 educational organization. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by IRS regulations. Personal and corporate contributions are allowed.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 01:29:51 +0000

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