Western arrogance and ignorance at its best! The town that is - TopicsExpress


Western arrogance and ignorance at its best! The town that is labelled as #Kobane in western #propaganda-networks (- opps, I meant: democratic and free media -) simply does not exist. The town is located in the very north of Rif #Halab (#Aleppo Governorate), near the syrian-turkish border, on SYRIAN soil. #Syria is an ARAB nation, as laid out in the countrys name: Syrian ARAB Republic. The name of the town is AYN AL-ARAB. No one would seriously think of re-naming New York into Weirdo-Place, Berlin into Gay-paradise or London into Bankers Pub, so why do we constantly humiliate the Syrian ARAB nation by refusing to respect their heritage and culture? Because we are ignorant pigs? Yes. The other reason is that the masterminds behind the scheme are already sending the signals to our minds that the northern part of Syria wont belong to Syria anymore but to a western-created kurdish nation, or to a fake entity under turkish occupation, whatever. God bless Syria!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 08:28:09 +0000

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