Weve got an ideology going now which is, as one theologian, put - TopicsExpress


Weve got an ideology going now which is, as one theologian, put it, ‘All we are is something that happens between the maternity ward and the crematorium- And thats it. And therefore everybody feels unhappy and miserable. This is what people really believe today. You may go to church, you may say you believe in this, that, and the other, but you don’t. Even Jehovahs Witnesses, who are the most fundamental of fundamentalists, they are polite when they come around and knock on the door. But if you REALLY believed in Christianity, you would be screaming in the streets. But nobody does. You would be taking full- page ads in the paper every day. You would be the most terrifying television programs. The churches would be going out of their minds if they really believed what they teach. But they dont. They think they ought to believe what they teach. They believe they should believe, but they dont really believe it, because what we REALLY believe is the what is known as, fully automatic model. And that is our basic, plausible common sense- that you are a fluke- You are a separate event. And you run from the maternity ward to the crematorium, and thats it, baby. Thats it... Now why does anybody think that way? Theres no reason to, because it isnt even scientific. Its just a ‘myth’. And its invented by people who want to feel a certain way. They want to play a certain game. The game of God got embarrassing. The idea if God as the potter, as the architect of the universe, is good. It makes you feel that life is, after all, important. There is someone who cares. It has meaning, it has sense, and you are valuable in the eyes of the father. BUT, after a while, it gets embarrassing, and you realize that everything you do is being watched by God. He knows your tiniest innermost feelings and thoughts, and you say after a while, Quit bugging me! I dont want you around.’ So you become an atheist, just to get rid of him. Then you feel terrible after that, because you got rid of God, but that means you got rid of yourself. Youre nothing but a machine. And your idea that youre a machine is just a machine, too. So if youre a smart kid, you commit suicide. Albert Camus said, there is only one serious philosophical question, which is whether or not to commit suicide. I think there are four or five serious philosophical questions. The first one is Who started it? The second is Are we going to make it? The third is Where are we going to put it? The fourth is Whos going to clean up? And the fifth, Is it serious?’ But however, you see, this whole idea that the universe is nothing at all but unintelligent force playing around and not even enjoying it, is a putdown theory of the world. People who had an advantage to make, a game to play by putting it down, and making out that because they put the world down, that they were a superior kind of people. So that, just wont do. Weve had it. Because if you seriously go along with this idea of the world, youre what is technically called, alienated. You feel hostile to the world. You feel that the world is a trap. It is a mechanism, it is electronic and neurological mechanisms into which you somehow got caught. So you see, all Im trying to say is that the basic common sense about the nature of the world that is influencing most people in the United States today is simply a myth. If you want to say that the idea of God the father with his white beard on the golden throne is a myth, in a bad sense of the word myth, so is this other one. It is just as phony and has just as little to support it as being the true state of affairs. Why? LETS GET THIS CLEAR. If there is any such thing at all as intelligence and love and beauty- like most of us believe- well youve found it in other people. In other words, it exists in us as human beings. And as I said, if it is there, in us, it is symptomatic of the scheme of things. We are as symptomatic of the scheme of things as the apples are symptomatic of the apple tree or the rose of the rose bush. The Earth is not a big rock infested with living organisms, any more than your skeleton is bones infested with cells. The Earth is geological, yes, but this geological entity grows people, and our existence on the Earth is a symptom of this other system, and its balances, as much as the solar system in turn is a symptom of our galaxy, and our galaxy in its turn is a symptom of a whole company of other galaxies. Goodness only knows what thats in. But you see, when, as a scientist, you describe the behavior of a living organism, you try to say what a person does, its the only way in which you can describe what a person is, describe what they do. Then you find out that in making this description, you cannot confine yourself to what happens inside the skin. In other words, you cannot talk about a person walking unless you start describing the floor, because when I walk, I dont just dangle my legs in empty space. I move in relationship to a room. So in order to describe what Im doing when Im walking, I have to describe the room; I have to describe the territory. So in even describing my talking, I cant describe it as just a thing in itself, because Im talking to you- to someone. And so what Im doing at the moment is not completely described unless your being here is described also. So if that is necessary, in other words, in order to describe MY behavior, I have to describe YOUR behavior and the behavior of the environment, it means that weve really got one system of behavior. Your skin doesnt separate you from the world; its a bridge through which the external world flows into you, and you flow into it. Therefore, the myths today, underlying our culture and underlying our common sense have not taught us to feel identical with the universe, but only parts of it, only in it, only confronting it--aliens. And we are, I think, quite urgently in need of coming to feel that we ARE the eternal universe, we need to further our spiritual understanding, we need to venture into a deeper understanding of God, we need to research our knowledge of our religious roots, we need to expand our line of thinking, and not just be more open to new or even ‘risqué’ ideas, but start trying to understand or embrace, each one of us. Otherwise were going to go out of our heads, collectively. #Oneness #Gnsostic #Mystical
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 03:57:40 +0000

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