Weve got some good news and some bad news... Lets start with the - TopicsExpress


Weve got some good news and some bad news... Lets start with the bad news; Expect more problems next year. Now, the good news; Expect more Opportunities next year. Are you getting Ready! Below are some strategies to help position yourself for both. Feel free to add to the list: 1) If you currently have a Job, become the most valuable staff in that office by adding more value than everybody else. Though teamwork is emphasized in the workplace, the truth comes out when the company is on the verge of downsizing. Thats when people begin to bad-mouth one another. True/False That is why, when one person goes to acquire a higher degree, others tend to also follow as they believe it may be used for screening out staff some time in the future. But note that anyone who has a higher degree or professional certification but cannot generate higher quality solutions/ideas is no better than the others in terms of Value. So, bring Real Value. 2) If you dont like your current Job, intensify your search for a better one because the working conditions on the present job you dont like may likely be worse next year. 3) If you dont have a Job, intensify your search and stop waiting for the perfect job rather work go gather experience. Experience may be your most valuable asset that can be used in getting the perfect job. You can also create a job for yourself and there are several ways you can do this. 4) If youve been growing your business all by yourself and you seem to be stuck, you may want to consider employing professionals to manage it for you. 5) If the need for the product or service you offer is fading away, you may need to change your line of business, change your line of product or shut it down for a while. 6) If your income isnt enough, you may want to consider having multiple jobs or starting a part-time business. Also look for more legitimate ways of making more money from your business/job. Cut cost by looking for creative ways of achieving the same results using new systems, technologies, etc (for example, you can move to a smaller and less expensive office, get more computers, merge job functions) Kindly share your thoughts and more ideas, thank you.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 11:24:19 +0000

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