Weve not been paid since last December As an employee one of - TopicsExpress


Weve not been paid since last December As an employee one of the main reasons you work, is for the money. Despite how much you supposedly love your job and the social aspect of most jobs, the bottom line is that your salary puts food on the table. However, as a Pakistani cricketer earning a salary is one of lifes major complications. Theres no guarantee of how much youll get paid or indeed when you will get paid. Contracts, like chairmen and like coaches come and go and there appears to be a rather random methodology used when awarding central contracts. Seniority and performances are generally the criteria used when awarding central contracts but that is debatable given some of the names who end up as contracted players. Nearly five months into 2014, the award of central contracts for the year are yet to be finalised. When they will be finalised is anyones guess. Senior Board officials have stated in recent times that the central contracts are due to be announced. However nothing has been communicated, although it has been suggested that the latest batch of contracts will mean less players being awarded a contract and also the period of the central contract will be for six months instead of the current twelve month period. Speaking under the assurance of anonymity one of the current contracted players stated to PakPassion.net the situation regarding central contracts is worrying. Ive not had any payment since last December and the only payments that have been made to players have been international match fees. Any contracted player not playing for Pakistan or not included in an international squad has not had a single payment this year. Its difficult to comprehend just what is going on. Nearly five months into the year and we are no further forward. The situation is a total mess and all the players are unhappy with it. Another contracted player added Ive been waiting for notification from the Board regarding my central contract but Ive not heard anything. Ive tried to contact the relevant people but Ive just been told that I will hear in due course. The situation is unacceptable really as I have no idea when I will be paid by the Board. The situation just seems to be getting worse year on year and there seems to be no planning regarding central contracts. As players we abide by the rules of the PCB but when it comes to our welfare there is very little appreciation by the Board. As players we dont have anywhere to turn to either and its just a case of waiting and seeing what happens every year. A third contracted player in the same situation was even more direct and vociferous than his team mates and stated Its about time there is a players union in Pakistan. You would never see such a situation occurring in Australia or England where there are players unions present and working on behalf of the players. At the moment the cricketers in Pakistan are without any support, if we voice our concerns to the relevant people we are seen as trouble makers and issued with a showcause notice. We need a responsible figure to head up a players union and a forum where we can raise our concerns and have them heard. Currently we are just a bunch of individuals with the same grievances but we are isolated and have to represent ourselves, but if we can collate our issues and problems and have them presented and put forward by our players union then that will change the landscape of Pakistan cricket and assist in improving our conditions, pay structure and many other things that are affecting us as cricketers in Pakistan. Whilst talk of a players union has been circulating in Pakistan cricket for a number of years, there still appears to be a sense of apprehension and reluctance to set this up, perhaps due to fear of reprisals. However the issue of central contracts is just one of a number of issues that a players union in Pakistan could address and for that reason alone a players union is a must, sooner rather than later. pakpassion.net/ppforum/showthread.php?t=201853
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 11:56:13 +0000

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