Weve read a lot of inaccuracies about bumpers today, both on our - TopicsExpress


Weve read a lot of inaccuracies about bumpers today, both on our own page and others, and that is very sad. Many who use them get extremely defensive and accuse those trying to raise awareness of scaremongering. It is not scaremongering to state the truth. In 2007 a study was conducted in the United States. This looked at 27 deaths caused by bumpers. I think most people would agree that TWENTY SEVEN is too many. Lots of products have been removed from the market because of far fewer deaths, and yet bumpers are still made and sold. But tragically those 27 deaths are just the tip of the iceberg. The data used was supplied on a voluntary basis and was taken from just 17 states. Even if we were to assume those 27 were the only deaths at that time, the deaths have continued since then. There have also been deaths in Canada, France and the UK. In some countries, including our own, the way infant deaths are recorded means these deaths are often hidden behind SIDS or SUDS labels and simply disappear into the statistics. Unless the family comes forward and makes a noise, no one knows about the involvement of the bumper. Bumpers have not been proved to prevent injuries, but it has been proven they have been responsible for injuries and deaths. Cots are safe to use without bumpers. Indeed that is how they are intended to be used. There is no agreement between manufacturers or sellers on a safe age to use bumpers. It can vary wildly with some saying remove at six months and others saying only use after one year. There is NO safe age to use a bumper. Babies of all ages have died. Bumpers should not be used to cut down drafts. Air circulation is important. Bumpers do not prevent baby being sick and choking (yes, weve been told that) Bumpers can contribute towards overheating. Bumpers are not safe if used properly. Babies have died when guidelines were being followed to the letter. The bumper does not need to be faulty to cause a death, but some have been. You wont know if yours is until the fault becomes evident. By which time it could be too late. Bumpers are not safe just because they are sold. Many unsafe products go on sale each year. Bumpers can, and have, cost lives. Dont risk it.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 21:37:31 +0000

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