Wez had a quiet day at home today. Grandma did not feel good - TopicsExpress


Wez had a quiet day at home today. Grandma did not feel good today. Momma went to work. Not too much exciting to share. Weens stole my bully stick and hims ate it until it was all gone. I found an ifetch ball that Momma thought hers had thrown out, but hers never, so I played with that all night. Iz just never get tired of playing with my balls....Momma says its a boy thing, BOL. Bitz likes to chase me and try to get the ball from me, and sometimes I let hers get it, but most of the time Iz dont. It was warmer outside today, so me and Bitz spent more time out there playing and chasing each other, and wez barked at the other neighbours dog...Hims a weird one...Hims just NEVER barks back. Hims jumps around, but hims a mute Iz think. Momma says thats not nice to say...but thats whats I think. Momma phoned a couple different vet places looking to find a better deal for Bitz to get spayed. Hers has a couple leads. Thats it for tonight. Wez all tired. Iz not sure why...Maybe the fresh air did it. Sweet dreams of warm days, that stay light longer, and sweets smells of bbqs...Oh, Momma says hers cant wait for summer, and neither can wez. Wez still waiting for that lottery win...but as soon as that happens wez Florida bound...Florida Key Largo...Momma has the house all picked out...it is beautiful and will be the perfect size for us and Grandma....then wez gonna have summer weather all year round!!! That sounds like a sweet deal to us!!! Wez love you all!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 06:03:57 +0000

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