We’re back, and Kane slams Chris Benoit’s face into the ring - TopicsExpress


We’re back, and Kane slams Chris Benoit’s face into the ring apron! And now Kane with a hard knee to the skull! Benoit rolls back into the ring dazed and Kane slides in and drives his knee down across the throat of Chris Benoit... 1-2-3-4, and Kane steps off of Benoit staring up at the referee as he picks Benoit back to his feet, but Benoit with a right hand to Kane, and another, and another, and now Benoit with a strong headbutt to Kane’s got him dazed,but Kane comes right back with a hard knee to the ribs of Chris Benoit, and he follows it up with a swinging neckbreaker! And Kane slides into the cover hooking a leg, 1-2-, but Benoit just gets his shoulder up before the Three Count, but Kane pulls him right into a side head lock.... Slowly Benoit starts pushing himself back to his feet, but Kane goes for an uppercut, but Benoit sidesteps it, and now Benoit with a right hand to the jaw of Kane, and another, and another, and now he irish whips him into the corner, but Kane turns it around throwing Benoit into the turnbuckles. Benoit stumbles back out of the corner and Kane with a sidewalk slam, but Benoit counters it dragging Kane to the mat, and Chris Benoit locks Kane into the Crippler Crossface! Kane is trying to fight out of it, but Benoit’s got it locked in, and now Kane starts crawling for the ropes... But Chris Benoit drags himself and Kane back to the middle of the ring, and Kane taps! “Here is your winner, Chris Benoit!” But Benoit calls down to ringside for a microphone... Chris Benoit: “What I just made Kane do, was tap out. That is what Daniel Bryan down last night, maybe the referee never caught it, maybe the cameras never caught it, but Daniel Bryan did tap out to me! I should be your WWO Champion right here and right now, but am I? I’ll use a Daniel Bryan line for that one... NO! That’s why until I’m given my Re-Match against Daniel Bryan, I am going to make every single person I face tap out, I don’t care if it’s a Superstar or if it’s a Diva, everybody will tap out to the Crippler Crossface because it’s only Two choices for them, Tap.... Or Snap!” *Show goes to Commercial...* “The following is a Six Diva Tag Team Match scheduled for one fall. Already in the ring first, from Houston, Texas Kaitlyn, and from Union City, New Jersey AJ Lee!” “And their Tag Team Partner, from Toronto, Ontario, she is the NEW Womens Champion, Vixxen!” “And their opponents, first from Scottsdale, Arizona, Nikki & Brie, The Bella Twins!” “And their Tag Team Partner, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Gail Kim!” Vixxen and Nikki Bella are going to start this match off first as the Two lock arms, but Vixxen pulls hey into a side headlock, and now a takeover but Nikki turns it over into the cover, 1, but Vixxen quickly gets out of i and pulls Nikki into a Boston Crab, but Niki crawls out of it and makes the tag to Gail Kim, and Gail Kim and Vixxen lock arms, but Vixxen with a roll up, 1-2, but Gail Kim rolls out of it and hits Vixxen with a hard knee to the ribs! Gail tags in Brie Bella, and now Brie comes in with a kick to the midsection, and now an arm drag takedown but Vixxen rolls through picking Brie up onto her shoulders, and Vixxen goes for the Burning Impact but Brie pulls herself out of it but Vixxen shoves Brie back into her corner and tags in Kaitlyn, and now Kaitlyn picks Brie up and... And Kaitlyn with a sidewalk slam to Brie Bella! And now Kaitlyn goes for the cover, 1-2-, but Brie just gets her shoulder up. Kaitlyn slides back to her feet pulling Brie with her and now an irish whip into the ropes and she goes for the Spear, but Brie jumps over her and tags in Gail Kim, but Kaitlyn with the Spear to Brie Bella! But now Gail Kim runs into the ring and slams Kaitlyn headfirst into the top turnbuckle and tags in Nikki Bella, and now Nikki Bella with an elbow to the jaw followed up with an arm drag takedown into an armbar, and now she tags back in Brie Bella, and Brie comes in holding her stomach and kicks her in the lower back, and pulls her into an abdominal stretch... Kaitlyn starts fighting back to her feet, and Kaitlyn with a forearm to the ribs of Brie, and another, and another, but Brie with a kick to the ribs and now the Bella Buster, but Kaitlyn slips underneath her and makes the tag to AJ Lee! And Nikki Bella runs into the ring but AJ with a clothesline to Nikki, and another, and now she goes for an irish whip but Nikki reverses it and AJ with a flying crossbody, but Nikki catches her and passes her to Brie, but AJ with a hurricanrana to Brie Bella throwing her into Nikki Bella! And now AJ Lee with the Shining Wizard to Nikki Bella! But Gail Kim runs in with a kick to the back of the head of AJ, and now she goes for the Eat Defeat, but Vixxen runs in and pulls her into the Impaled! And now Brie Bella with a kick to the ribs, but AJ turns it around and into the Black Widow!... And Brie taps out! Here are your winners, the team of Kaitlyn, AJ Lee and the WWO Womens Champion, Vixxen!” *Show goes to Commercial...* “ Please welcome, your World Heavyweight Champion, Bobby Roode and Gail Kim!” Bobby Roode: “Sunday Night at Summerslam, I done what I said I would do, I beat Josh Gavin. Sure, I might have got my disqualified, which means a loss, but who cares about those facts? Because real facts are that I am still your World Heavyweight Champion! And last night, more impacts were made than anybody else would have been able to do... Gail Kim, she destroyed the new WWO Womens Champion, Vixxen not once, but Twice within One Hour! And I, I destroyed somebody who thought he could beat me, but I proved to him he couldn’t do any such thing. Now I heard a lot of, who is that Masked Man who attacked Josh Gavin at Summerslam? Who is this Masked Man standing next to me? Well I’ll tell you who he is, this man is a Professional Wrestler hoping to make a big name for himself in American Wrestling Companies, he’s made a big name for himself in Mexico and Japan, going by the name of Oscuro Dragon, Dark Dragon. I knew that I was going to retain this World Heavyweight Championship, but I decided to start up a group who would equalize this entire Company, that’s what lead me to this man, I got him into a private Training Ring to see what he could do, and let me tell you, this man is the only man deserving to stand alongside The IT Factor Of Professional Wrestling, The Leader Of The selfish Generation, YOUR World Heavyweight Champion, Bobby Roode! Now I heard Josh Gavin was hurt pretty badly from our Match at Summerslam, I was told he’s going to be forced to wear a protective mask if he wants to continue wrestling here? Everybody who thinks they are good enough to take this World Championship Title Belt from me, go look at Josh gavin, because he is the prime example of what will happen to you if you decide that you want to try to be the hero of this story, I will ruin your WWO career, and not just your career, but I can and will... We... Us Three can and will make your life a Living Hell! Now that is it...” “The following is your Main Event Match of the evening! Entering first, from Culpeper, Virginia, weighing in at 220 pounds, Christian York!” “And his opponents, first, from Toronto, Ontario, weighing in at 285 pounds, Test!” *Show goes to Commercial...* “We’re back and entering next, accompanied to the ring by AJ Lee, from Gainesville, Georgia, weighing in at 215 pounds, AJ Styles!” “And finally, from Hollywood, Florida, weighing in at 213 pounds, Dolph Ziggler!” The opening bell rings and Christian York and Dolph Ziggler go right after each other and Styles and Test too trading left and right hands... And Styles with a knee to the ribs and now starts throwing hard chops to the chest of Test... Christian York with a dropkick to Dolph Ziggler! And now Test goes for a clothesline to Styles, but Styles ducks it and Test nails Ziggler! And now Christian York rolls up AJ Styles, 1-, but Styles kicks out and York and Styles are right back to their feet but Test with a double clothesline to York and Styles! Christian York crawls into the corner back to his feet, but Test goes for another clothesline but York with a double boot to the face of Test, and now York jumps to the second rope, and Christian York with the Rebels Yell to Test! And now Christian York goes for the cover but Dolph Ziggler with the Fame Asser to York! And now Ziggler goes for the cover on Test, but AJ Styles with a double foot stomp to the back of the head! Christian York rolls out of the ring for a breather, but AJ Styles with a vaulting body press out on top of York, but York throws Test in front of him! And now York runs back into the ring with a clothesline to Dolph Ziggler, and Ziggler stumbles back to his feet but York with a stomp to the back of the leg, and now he goes for the Mood Swing, but Ziggler counters it going for the Zig-Zag, but York turns it around with back breaker! And York goes for the cover, 1-2-, but Test runs into the ring and breaks it up. Test picks York back to his feet, but York with a swift kick to the side of the leg, and another, and another, and now York picks Test up, but collapses under Test’s weight! And now AJ Styles with a diving elbow drop onto Test and Christian York! And Styles goes for the cover on Test, 1-2-, but Dolph Ziggler breaks up the pin and starts stomping away at AJ Styles... And now Ziggler picks both Christian York and AJ Styles back to their feet, and Dolph Ziggler with a double Zig-Zag to York and Styles! And Ziggler goes for the cover on Styles, 1-2-, but Styles kicks out, and now Ziggler goes for the cover on York, 1-2-, but Test with a leg drop to the back of the head of Christian York! Ziggler crawls back to his feet staring up at Test... And Ziggler with a right hand to the jaw of Test, and another, but Test returns it with one of his own, and another from Ziggler, and another from Test but Ziggler ducks it and Dolph Ziggler with the Zig-Zag to Test! And Ziggler crawls into the cover, 1-2-, but Christian York with a Frog Splash from out of nowhere’s to Dolph Ziggler and Test to break up the pin! And York stumbles back to his feet, but AJ Styles with the Paylay to Christian York! And Styles falls into the cover hooking both legs on York, 1-2-3! “ Here is your winner and qualifying to The Climb To Hell Match, AJ Styles!” *Show goes to Commercial...* We’re back, and standing in the ring is your still WWO Champion, Daniel Bryan... Daniel Bryan: “I AM STILL YOUR WWO CHAMPION!!! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! So many people said I was the underdog, that I couldn’t beat a Walking Talking Legend like Chris Benoit, so many of the Superstars and Divas in the back said good luck to me before the Match, they said I would need it and that it would take a miracle for me to leave Summerslam with the WWO Championship, but I did it! YES!! It was a crazy Match, and the best first Title Defense I ever had, probably the greatest Match I’ve ever wrestled in! I know I always respected Chris Benoit and that he’s had mixed feelings for me, but that’s what made it even better to be able to pin him, pin him for the One, Two, Three, that’s what made it feel so great to have one hell of a Match, to have the Match Of The Year, to make my name IMMORTAL! Today when I arrived to the arena, I had so many hugs from the Divas in the back, so much respect from everybody, and that’s why I do what I do, that... And because of all of you amazing people... You guys truly are great... But there are still Two people who I can tell I never earned any respect from... One, my Summerslam opponent, Chris Benoit... Chris was a great opponent, and I am glad that was my first defense, to be against somebody like him, to bring out my Wrestling background, to not have to follow the rules and have to try some new things, New things that I have no doubt will make even him respect me eventually... The Second person though who doesn’t seem like he really respects me yet... Shane McMahon... If all of you can remember, Shane McMahon said that not everything will last forever, that I don’t got very much going for me and that I was barely able to retain this Championship Sunday... But Shane McMahon, you don’t know how difficult it is to have to try and beat Chris Benoit, Chris Benoit, he don’t really respect me yet, but I respect him. I respect him like I do guys like CM Punk, Josh Gavin, and the man Shane McMahon screwed over at Summerslam, Brock Lesnar. I respect all of them, and I know they have got nothing but respect for me. Respect is something that isn’t given but earned, and I know that, but Shane McMahon, I EARNED respect! You should know that more than anybody! So that is why Shane, I want you to come out here right now... I want you to come out here and I want you to tell me why you can’t respect me!...” And here comes Shane McMahon down to the ring, and he doesn’t look very impressed... Daniel Bryan: “Why don’t you respect me Sh-” Shane McMahon: “Daniel, I never said I don’t respect you. I do respect you, but you... I can look in your eyes, I can see you have something extraordinary, but at the same time, I can see that you aren’t exactly ready to be the Main Man of WWO, from what I watched at Summerslam, you did show off how extraordinary you can be, but throughout that Match, you showed that you were only barely surviving what Chris Benoit was putting you through... That is wh-” Daniel Bryan: “That I could barely survive what I was getting put through?! I could have handled Ten Times that much from anybody! I was still able to make sure I left with this Belt, I was still able to make sure that I am the one person that should hold this WWO Championship an-” Shane McMahon: “Daniel don’t you dare interrupt me agai-” Daniel Bryan: “NO! you admit it, you don’t like me, the only reason you gave me these chances was because these people love me and you want them to love you!” Shane McMahon: “Daniel, they may love you, but they love a lot of people... Look at Brock Lesnar, they were loving him, and he got beat by Antonio Cesaro... Fans in French Daniel, is Amateurs. That’s why they don’t run Companies like this, they are amateurs and don’t know how to run a Company like this. So I could care less who they love and if they love me, because when I step into the arena, they are going to be paying to see what happens in the ring, they are paying to watch decisions be made... Daniel, I’ll say this to you, congratulations, you did earn that WWO Championship, and retaining that Belt, you earned too. You earned the ring to be the WWO Champion, but like I said, these fans paid to see decisions be made... And I got a decision for them, and for you... Next Monday, I am going to make a Number One Contenders Match. These Challengers, all have made some mighty impacts as of late, so first Challenger, is Chris Benoit! Second, I chose this man because he done what people knew he wouldn’t be able to do, but done it anyways, he beat Brock Lesnar, so the Second Challenger, Antonio Cesaro! And Third, he has made it far in the Nuborn Championship Tournament, and I am going to take him out of that Tournament to give him a real shot at a real Championship, he is a real Cyborg, Kurt Angle! But wait, that’s not all Daniel, because there is still one more man... I got this guy because you said you respect him and he respects you, well we’ll see how much you Two respect each other if he wins, because Fourthly it is Josh Gavin!” Daniel Bryan: “So you are telling me that you are going to try to make it impossible for me to retain this WWO Championship at The Climb To Hell Pay-Per-View? By making Antonio Cesaro vs Kurt Angle vs Josh Gavin vs Chris Benoit for next weeks show and then having the winner face me for my Championship? Well that’s actually too bad for you, isn’t it? Because I will not be stopped! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! N-” Shane McMahon: “No... That’s not how I am going to make it impossible for you to retain that Title Belt, but if impossible is what you want, then okay, next Monday, I hope you are One Hundred and Ten Percent, because you are going to face the newly made team of Bobby Roode, The Oscuro Dragon and Gail Kim, and only one Partner are you going to have, and that’s Vixxen... Oh, and by the way, since we’re just about out of time, I’ll make this short and sweet for you, that Match, will be No Disqualification! No Count-Outs, it will be, No Holds Barred!” Shane McMahon stares down at Daniel Bryan smiling... *Show goes off the Air...*
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 01:03:30 +0000

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