We’re bearing the consequence of ASUU strike -Students - TopicsExpress


We’re bearing the consequence of ASUU strike -Students Written by Mayowa Okekale Wednesday, 11 September 2013 00:00 Since the inception of the industrial action embarked on by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), the academic activities of Nigerian students at their various institutions of learning have been completely paralysed. The strike which is approaching two months, has generated some noticeable negative effects on students. Some students spoke on how the action has been helping them thus far, while they also expressed how they have been affected. Mayowa Okekale, who sought the views of these students, brings the excerpt: Martin Emeka Ekweme I strongly believe that many Nigerian students see reading as being too herculean for them. To students like that, the strike is an opportunity to forget their books and pursue debased frivolities at their respective homes, even without reservations. However, I have no doubt that some other students see the strike as an opportunity to engage in practical studies outside the school, since many public universities lack the facilities. What is crystal clear is, students who decided to be idle are, by every means, looking for the devil’s trouble. Balogun Tosin Temitope This development is not really affecting me because I have been making best use of the free time to learn new skills and develop myself. For example, I just finished an interesting training on bicycle riding. I hope to move to swimming. I encourage others to do likewise and stop blaming neither the ASUU nor Federal Government. Adenekan Ola A bird that never forgets its flock mates will never miss the way. This is really a development that has actually given an ample avenue for me to study more than before. Nevertheless, I still pray that God should divinely intervene and bring everything back to normalcy to bring back the lost glory of our education system. Janet Olabisi Looking at current happenings, so many unserious students count this as an opportunity for them to enjoy their youthful time more. Meanwhile, the serious ones will see it as an avenue to read and conduct further research before returning to school. Nevertheless, some have-not students would view this as an occasion to engage themselves in making money to fend for themselves to ease the responsibilities of their parents on them. Kingsley Davies Cassie We are doing currently nothing and this will affect the graduating students and will further affect their NYSC posting. Seriously speaking, I’m tired of the shameless strikes constantly embarked on by ASUU! This is not fair on Nigerian students. When students are left doing nothing, chances are that some of them engage in unsightly acts that are not healthy for the country. I think ASUU should embrace patriotism for the general interest of Nigerian students. Olawore Samuel “An idle hand is the devil’s workshop,” says a famous quote. This quote is just a verisimilitude of what is reflecting on many undergraduates who are found roaming the streets and, as a result, being lured into social vices not because it pleases them but because they have nothing to keep them busy on campus, due to the ongoing industrial action embarked by ASUU. It will be recalled that the painful death of Ruth, a 100 level student of the Department of Biochemistry, University of Ibadan, who was reported and confirmed dead in a ghastly motor accident on her way back home after students were forced out of their various halls of residence occurred owing to the industrial action by ASUU. Busayo Olanipekun With this in view, I can practically say the future of our youths is at stake, and it is really about time we called on God to intervene because our government doesn’t care about our future. The reason we are exposed to this is because their children are not suffering from the same action. Many students have also been discouraged of sustaining their goals and ambition of studying because of the same strike and, as a result, have made them to be academically poor. Gabriel Ajuwon Well, to me, the existence of ASUU strike denotes a very bad omen for Nigeria education sector. But personally, since its commencement, I have engaged myself in holiday job, which I have been able to engage in to make up for every lost time. And the most unfortunate aspect of it is, enthusiasm for reading was lost since I heard of the strike, even when our examinations were around the corner. Oluleke Peter The increasing flash-points in the education sector have reached an unsustainable level and before the irretrievable point of escalation is reached, we have a duty to sound a collective alarm as to the negative signal sent to millions of students. The industrial action embarked on by ASUU negatively affects Nigerian students psychologically, academically and socially. Students no longer graduate as scheduled, interest and concentration are lost resulting to poor and average performances, academic calender is being compressed and part of the curriculum skipped. All this among other effects tend to be inimical to quality education, human development and economic growth in Nigeria, thereby destroying education, the bedrock of modern civilization. Dare Adelere The irony of the strike is, we students are the victims. Because I believe if the strike unfortunately spans a year, it is obvious that all ASUU officials, including the lecturers, will be paid, even while they have not taught students for the wasted months of downing tools. We are ultimately being badly affected. In the last two months, they earned their salary and no students could stop that. I am of the view that neither the government nor the ASUU really serve the desired interests of the Nigerian students.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 07:21:21 +0000

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