We’re in a really tough situation. Loss takes the will to live - TopicsExpress


We’re in a really tough situation. Loss takes the will to live from us…but we live anyway. How we live is up to us… Every situation that is negative can ruin our day, week, or life. However, if we do not empower it, and rather flip it and seek any ounce of positive there can be drawn from the situation – we can use the energy it creates to keep us moving in the ‘right’ direction. While talking with a friend, I was made aware of how much I do for others, even though I’ve taken a terrible blow in the game of life. My answer, which I determined somewhere along the way to curb my pain somewhat, was that my only option, in order to live with any kind of joy and avoid chronic misery, was to flip my circumstances and do something with them. Basically taking the message, “Everything happens for a reason” and give loss purpose. I don’t know if it’s fate, destiny, or karma that caused me to lose Will so abruptly in my life, especially with life being so fulfilling. But I couldn’t let either ‘reason’ take me down for good. By seeing my pain, it opened my eyes to what so many ahead of me, alongside me, and behind me have already or will suffer – I learned that it had purpose that coincided with my already natural ability to talk, and problem solve. Initially, like just about everyone, I thought loss was a form of punishment. When I came to my senses, however, I knew that was incorrect. I realized it was simply something my soul planned before it entered this life. Loss, among many other things, was already on the agenda and as they entered my life, the ‘lessons’ or experiences were had…tests, so to speak. Sure, I could hate my circumstances and God, too, for that matter, forever. But where will that get me? It would only take me deeper into misery, without much hope of ever getting out of it. More precisely, I’d be stuck, with no lateral movement possible. So, being a problem solver personality…I chose to take loss and grief apart, examine the gears that give it energy, and made a decision to use the tools discovered in my search, in a bad situation. We are all hardwired for survival. It’s up to us how we do so. Do we live out our days waiting to die? Or do we do something with each day we are given that will give us peace, so that when we lie our heads down at night, we are able to accept that if we were to die tonight, we’d feel like we truly lived a good life. We choose…and we only have to choose One Day At A Time. I hope you can find your way to living so that you have peace each night…
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 21:00:01 +0000

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