We’ve all become shallow individuals. We have. It’s sad for me - TopicsExpress


We’ve all become shallow individuals. We have. It’s sad for me to say that, but it’s true. We all want to be the popular kid with a voice; to stand on a podium and broadcast about me, me, me. You want to be the one who finds the next Social Media platform and be the first to announce it to all your friends. You might even go as far as wanting to be the one who invents the next big thing in Social Media. Seriously, who wouldn’t want to be that person? You’d be a fool not too. And I’d be ignorant if I didn’t realize what I’m currently typing fits into this realm perfectly. However, answer me this. How many Facebook ‘friends’ do you have? I have 240. Do I really need 240 ‘friends’? No. Can I possibly have meaningful and social relationships with these 240 people? No. Just imagine for a moment there was no Facebook and you really had 240 friends. Does anybody really want 240 friends? I like to think that I’m quite a placid person, but if had 240 real friends, then I’m pretty sure I would lose it. Besides, the limited capacity of the human brain’s neocortex (the part of the brain responsible for conscious thought, sensory perception and language, etc.) can only maintain social relationships with approx. 150 people.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 18:33:09 +0000

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