We’ve come so far from where we began. As the years have come - TopicsExpress


We’ve come so far from where we began. As the years have come and gone, so to have the lessons we learned. People grow up, grow tired, grow old and often grow apart. The young think they know it all and the ignorant believe they’ve got it all figured out, only the wise can see that nothing is set in stone and there are no guarantees in life. Time changes everything and everything changes over time, there is no denying that… but the most important changes, those we see in ourselves, come from choice. Everyday, every minute and every second of our lives depends fully on the choices we make. We choose to breathe, to believe, to care, to try, to feel, to give and to love… or not. We spend most our young lives trying to follow the right path, believing that following this path will lead us to the person we are meant to become. For so long I was led to believe that there were only two options, chasing the stepping stones of what is considered good in society, or walking down the road to evil, I was taught there was no middle ground in life. But who is to say what is good and evil, and how am I to know the difference when the media can change the standards without a moments notice? A very wise person once said, “believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see.” Of all the lessons I’ve learned in life, that’s the one I’ve found to be most true, and it’s stuck with me. For as long as I can remember, people have tried to tell me just who I am and it’s hard now to realize that all along, they we’re only telling me who they wanted me to be. I’ve found that a persons character reflects heavily on who they surround themselves with, and when someone doesn’t fit into their moral description, they will do just about anything to convince that person that they are someone or something else. How could I possibly know who I really am when everyone’s definition of me is conflicting? Why is everyone always trying to tell me just who I am? I don’t believe life was ever meant to be about “finding ourselves”, I think we’re supposed to create ourselves… figure out what we want, what we need, make our own unbiased decisions about the difference between good and evil, right and wrong. I don’t feel I should have to fit into some label, or any one size fits all brand name. Is it so wrong to want to carve my own identity from a clean slate… untouched and unaltered by the pressures of society? I could never claim to know much about the meaning of life, I’m just as clueless as everyone else… lost and stuck in a never ending state of confusion. But I do know one thing for certain, I’m exactly who I want to be and my thoughts are my own, they belong to me and no one can take that away. Even if in the end my words are all I have left, I’ll know that I’ve done something worthwhile.I dare you to try to define me...
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 19:24:26 +0000

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