Whacker World Whackers from each country Whackers from each - TopicsExpress


Whacker World Whackers from each country Whackers from each town Whackers that are left to right And whackers up and down. Whackers from the north and south Whackers east and west Whackers all arranged by size Or whom one loves the best. Whackers from each century Since our kind began: Whackers real and mythical Count them if you can! Whackers who are saintly Whackers not that good Whackers who become the shame Of every neighborhood. Whackers very normal Whackers who are not Not quite sure what normal means: Maybe I forgot? Whackers very lovely Whackers who are plain Whackers who make your day Whackers who can drive you nuts Or cause permanent dismay. Whackers in their poverty Whackers who are rich Whackers who are middle class Or lay those inside a ditch. Whackers very masculine Whackers perhaps not Whackers very feminine Whackers who scream thats rot Whackers quite professional Whackers who are slobs Whackers who are very nice And those who steal your jobs Whackers very businesslike, From highest paid of CEOs To lowest privileged clerk. Whackers who love politics Whackers who do not Whackers make a mighty speech Or simmer on a cot. Whackers who are married folks With or without kids Whackers who are single folks Whackers who make bids. Whackers living in the street Whackers in a room Whackers in a lovely flat Whackers with a broom Whackers in apartments Or a suburban house Alas there is always something bad About which whackers grouse. Whackers who have dogs and cats Whackers who have none Whackers with exotic pets But is this really fun? Whackers who are normal folks Whatever that means Whackers who are crazy folks Whackers who count beans. Whackers who pound your skull with God: Yes, you must believe! Whackers who propound atheism All the rest deceive! Whackers straight as arrows here Whackers somewhat bent Whackers pondering differences And what such things meant Whackers who are happy folks Whackers who are grim Best to often seem the same ... Or else Whats wrong with him! Whackers who are dead and gone Though we often gossip here (mostly this stuff makes me yawn) Whackers never noticed once Til they dissappear Whackers forever beloved Or only for a year Whackers with great body parts Whackers who have not Whackers with their super hair Who get paid a lot! Whackers who can sell anyone Things they dont need Whackers who can never sell Even if they bleed Whackers who can play guitar Whackers who play drums Whackers playing piano works Or who twiddle thumbs. Whackers writing symphonies Here paid well or not. Whackers getting hefty fees For what seems just rot. Whackers making movies and Whackers doing plays Novels, poems or other things That once in a blue moon pays Whackers who live very long Whackers who die young Whackers who are quite polite Or else stick out their tongue Whackers always in some war Whackers who seek peace Whackers bang drums of ideas (is there some release?). Whackers who are jealous folks Obvious or not And the so called narcissists Who hog our precious pot. Whackers in the dating games Whackers who just quit Whackers who say everything Is just a bowl of shit Whackers who play social games Trivia and stuff Whackers far more serious Whether kind or gruff Whackers who discover things Whackers who do not Whackers who invent new stuff And those who think a lot Whackers who are super studs Whackers who just dream Whackers who tumble into love Or merely plot and scheme. Whackers young and middle aged Old and very old Whackers disobedient And whose who do whats told. Theres more whackers on this list (its not yet complete) Not such a perfectionist And I wanna eat: Whackers far ahead of me Whackers far behind Best perhaps to curb my thoughts Not to lose my mind. Whackers do surround me here In this tiny town Sometimes they do lift one up Sometimes drag one down Whackers named psychologists I always consult: Shoulda been proctologists: They REALLY insult! Well yeah they all have feelings too: Ill sigh oy gevalt (fearful they dont gang up on me sort of like a cult) Whackers all around this place Of the many.. Or the few Alas the ones that one throws out Are always people too. Whackers whackers eveyrwhere Can shake up someones mood Not sure here if all of them Are always up to good And though I am generous They might steal my food Whackers knocking at the door Whackers on the phone Would it be social heresy To just be left alone? Whackers watching my TV Crawl into my bed Screaming about miseries!: Not good for my head... Nothing really more to say Please return some other day! Now Ill take two aspirins And rest My weary head. Whether here on my green couch Or else upon my bed.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 17:49:51 +0000

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