What About You? Over the course of the last two years I have - TopicsExpress


What About You? Over the course of the last two years I have often been given statistics which would give the impression that people are waking up to the peril presented by the muslim marxist fraud who stole the hearts of the people in the con game that won him the Presidency and all that the office entails. And these numbers are certainly moving in a direction that suggests that there is a steam roller of sentiment moving away from the lies and encumbrances that have been the hallmark of Bathhouse Barry and his minions. Let me provide a partial list of statistical areas in which the We The People seem to be awakening to the danger that Barry Soetoro or whatever his real name is presents to the nation. This danger is not an assault against the nation, but a capital crime against its very life. 1/ A majority of Americans no longer trust the President. 2/ A majority of Americans believe that the President has lied to the nation. 3/ A majority of Americans believe that the President says one thing but acts in a way that does not reflect his words. 4/ A majority of Americans believe that spending is out of control. 5/ A majority of Americans believe that we should be living within our means. 6/ A majority of Americans believe that the only entitlements should be those that have been paid for by those who will ultimately benefit from them. 7/ A majority of Americans believe that the President is setting up a crisis in order for him to declare martial law. 8/ A majority of Americans believe that the practices of the President show him to be Anti-American and Anti-Christian. 9/ A majority of Americans believe that the President has violated his oath to defend and protect America against all enemies foreign and domestic. 10/ A majority of Americans believe the President should be either impeached, charged criminally or removed from office. This list may come as a shock in itself. The fact that the majority of Americans believe these things is another shock. But a question that must be asked to each and everyone who reads this is - What about you? As you think on the implications of the 10 beliefs of the majority of Americans let me introduce you to the 11 th finding. 11/ The majority of Americans believe that the military will obey their oath to defend and protect the Constitution, or America itself against an enemy whether it be foreign or domestic. What about you? - Dr. Jim Garrow -
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 19:57:21 +0000

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