What About Your Brother? Gal. 6:1 - Dear brothers and sisters, if - TopicsExpress


What About Your Brother? Gal. 6:1 - Dear brothers and sisters, if another Christian is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself. Gossiping about people only feeds destruction! When you find your brother or sister in a fault, you should go to them and restore them in the spirit of meekness, not talk about them. When you just talk about them, you are using your tongue as a weapon against them and God, instead of operating in the love of God. Even when you ignore a problem that someone is having, you are still working for the enemy because you should help your brother or sister when they are in need. They need you! I know many times we dont want to get involved or we feel like its not our business, but if we are Christians and belong to the body of Christ, then we belong to each other and are responsible for each other. We cannot sit back and watch our members destroy themselves and others, but we have to take the initiative and hold each other up in love. And when we see them in dangerous positions, we need to find help for them if we cant do it ourselves. Its like many Christians really dont care enough to help. Theyre own family members can die in sin, and instead of trying to help them with the Word, they turn their backs and glory in their own salvation. Jesus never used his power on himself, but he used it to help others. Even when he was tested, he would not use his power and glory for his own personal gain, but he used it only to help others. We have to keep this mentality and make sure we are saved to help each other get where we are. No matter how far gone we feel a person is, or how big their problem may be, we should offer help or find help for them as members of the same body. Even when it seems like we are getting into their business, or telling off on them, if its a situation that could harm them, its our duty to protect them from themselves. God cares, and so should we. Every prayer cannot be for ourselves, but we must pray for others. And every blessing cannot be for ourselves either, but we must be able to bless someone else! Help your brother or sister. Dont just talk about them, but remember that you would not be where you are today if someone had not helped you. Suggested Reading: John 13:34, Rom. 13:8, 1Th. 4:9, 1Pet. 1:22, 1John 4:7 ©2015 G. Craige Works All rights Reserved exministries Change email address / Leave mailing list Powered by YMLP
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 10:08:50 +0000

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