What Are You Hearing? “And he said, Behold, I have heard that - TopicsExpress


What Are You Hearing? “And he said, Behold, I have heard that there is corn in Egypt: get you down thither and buy for us from there; that we may live and not die.” Genesis 42:2 You see, I am so excited because this is the finest hour for the church. Take for instance what is happening in world right now. You realize that there are people who are smiling to the bank every day. Whether you know it or not or whether you are willing to believe it or not, new millionaires are emerging, but it all depends on what you are hearing. Be sure you are hearing the right things. God’s abundance has always been there. Notice, in that very land of Egypt, there was famine and Jacob’s son Joseph was in charge of the provisions and Jacob never knew it. His son was the one in charge of the storehouse that will feed the entire world and he did not know. Truly, God’s people perish for lack of knowledge. However, what saved Jacob and his entire family was that he heard that there is corn in Egypt. What does that tell you? That in the wildest of difficulties, there is always an answer somewhere and so as you put your ears to the mouth of God, where the answer is coming from, you will escape. There is always an escape for those who are listening. Jesus spoke in Mark 4:9, saying “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” He said if you have ears to hear, so He is not just talking about this physical ear, He is talking about your spiritual ear, because people who hear, people who learn to hear from God, do not hear on the same level as other people, they hear from God’s realm. The enemy will be speaking the contrary thing, but you are hearing something different because you belong to another class. Jacob heard, his ears were on ground and he heard. I want to ask you one question, are you in touch with your present environment? I mean do you know what is going on in the area where you are located? Some of us are so ignorant. The bible says “My people are destroy for lack of knowledge..” Hosea 4:6. Are you just in church being tossed to and fro by what people are saying? Or are you in touch with the word of God? Do you read newspapers? Do you watch the news in the television? As you listen to the news, while other are hearing tales of woe, you will be hearing and seeing opportunities. If you listen attentively, God will send along your way, information that will bring you a turn around and your situation will become a testimony. This is my prayer for you today as you step into the day, God will open your eyes and ears and give you privileged information. I bless you in the name of the Lord.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 22:59:32 +0000

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