What Are You Thinking About? Romans 8:6 - to set the mind on - TopicsExpress


What Are You Thinking About? Romans 8:6 - to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. Flu epidemic......Our area number 1 in the country for sickness......will the schools start back...........will their be a financial crash in 2015? ...........What about Isis?........Where did all the Ebola talk go........Politics...........Does this company or that company have a hidden agenda?.......What about whatever else the news wants to sensationalize? Im not saying the flu isnt bad. I always thought being number 1 would be great but this certainly isnt. Ebola is horrific. Politicians seem to have a self service agenda and all of that. Many, if not all of those things are true. The problem isnt that they arent true, the problem is that they get us worried and concerned and beyond that they get our minds off of Jesus. The book of Romans says that the mind set on spiritual things is life and peace (Romans 8:6), and yet when we dwell on those things our minds certainly arent set on spiritual things. Our eyes arent fixed on Jesus as the writer of Hebrews says but instead we are staring fearfully at the world. And so we have no peace and in reality we are missing out on life. I can lay awake and worry about the flu, or Ebola, or finances, or Isis, or whatever. You insert your worry here____________. Or I can fix my eyes on Jesus and know that our Sovereign God has all things under control. I can set my mind on spiritual things and enjoy the life and peace that God gives to me, or I can pay attention to the sensationalism of the news and the negativity of social media. I dont know about you but since we only get one life I think Im going to redeem the time and make the most out of life by finding satisfaction in Him and living to glorify Him. Not in my own strength because I am a wretch but by His grace and for His glory.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 03:47:52 +0000

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