What CHRISTIANITY is If the essence of Christianity is neither a - TopicsExpress


What CHRISTIANITY is If the essence of Christianity is neither a CREED, nor a CODE, nor a CULT, what is it? It is CHRIST! It is not primarily a system of any kind; it is a PERSON, and a personal relationship to that person. But Christianity without CHRIST is a frame without a picture, a body without breath. The Apostle Paul put it succinctly in his letter to the Philippians. Having described Christians as those " who glory in Christ Jesus and who put NO confidence in FLESH" (i.e., in themselves), he went on: But whatever was to my PROFIT i now consider LOSS for the sake of CHRIST. What is MORE, I consider everything a LOSS compared to the surpassing GREATNESS of KNOWING Christ Jesus my LORD, for whose sake i have LOST ALL THINGS. I consider them RUBBISH, that i may GAIN Christ and be FOUND in Him, not having RIGHTEOUSNESS of my OWN that comes from the LAW, but that which is through faith in Christ- the righteousness that comes from GOD and is by faith (Phillippians 3:7-9)
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 09:27:04 +0000

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