What Can Be Done to Prevent Autism Now? =Emerging research points - TopicsExpress


What Can Be Done to Prevent Autism Now? =Emerging research points to the effects of the gestational and perinatal environment on the developing neural and immune systems as they may pertain to autism. present current theories regarding the influence of environmental exposures, including xenobiotic exposures and infection during gestation, as well as the effects of maternal microflora on development. The presenation also touches on the role of maternal immune function in neurodevelopment during gestation and the potential effects of perturbations in maternal immune status on behavioral outcome. Editorial: What Can Be Done to Prevent Autism Now? If a woman is considering becoming pregnant, one of the best things she can do is give herself six months or even a year to improve her diet and make better lifestyle choices. She should consume organically grown grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and lean sources of protein. Laying the foundation by putting herself in optimal shape prior to conceiving will go a long way in minimizing the chance of miscarriage, or developing other complications of pregnancy and delivery. Because gastrointestinal problems are so common in children with autism, in addition to reducing or eliminating the white foods (sugar, white bread, pasta, pizza, bagels), chemical preservatives and processed foods, some women I’ve worked with choose to address their own GI-related conditions prior to conceiving. If a woman has a history of candida (yeast), for instance overgrowth, or digestive problems, gluten intolerance, food allergies, bloating, constipation, or parasites, they treat these conditions before becoming pregnant. =Every parent’s dream is to have a healthy baby. Over the past ten years of working with families devastated by the diagnosis of autism, we, along with our patients’ parents, have realized one key fact: if we knew then what we know now, the diagnosis of the disease called autism could very well have been prevented.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 07:54:00 +0000

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