What Color is a Yield Sign? Everyone knows that a stop sign is - TopicsExpress


What Color is a Yield Sign? Everyone knows that a stop sign is red and white in color. But what color is a yield sign? Depending on your age the answer will be different. People of my generation visualize a yellow and black triangle when they think of a yield sign. My grandchildren will visualize a red and white sign when asked the same question. What’s the correct answer? Yield signs are red and white just like the stop sign. There has not been a yellow and black yield sign for 26 years. The nations of the world agreed to standardize the colors to red and white so everyone would know it was a yield sign regardless of the language the word “yield” was printed with…26 years ago. What about the Bible? I always hear people quote what they think the Bible says. More often than not, people today quote the Bible inaccurately. Some proclaim quotes that aren’t in the Bible at all. This inability to get it right is not limited to the un-churched. Many Christians quote scriptures wrong; and worse than that, make decisions about the way they think they should live their Christian faith based on their own misunderstandings of the scriptures. The Bible is not just a book of history and famous quotes. It is, if we choose to believe, the Word of God for us to build our lives on. A sure and strong foundation. As a builder, I can tell you if a building has a good foundation simply with a quick walk around the property. The signs of foundation failure are all too obvious. Likewise, as a student of the Word and a minister of the gospel, it doesn’t take long to spot foundation failure in people that claim to know Jesus. Am I being critical and judgmental? I am not! Do I think I am better than others? No, I do not! We are all broken people in need of redemption. But, if my house and my life, are full of cracks and foundation failure, and all I am willing to do is make excuses for it, then I am not being a very wise person. Furthermore, I demonstrate my ignorance of the scriptures and my unwillingness to do what it says. Jesus did it all for my redemption, but I still have a lot to do to, “work out my salvation with fear and trembling.” I am not saved by works…but I am not free from them either. Jesus said, “Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life.” I have been an avid searcher of the scriptures for over 42 years. However, in 2014, I couldn’t get enough of reading my Bible. As I gave in to the cravings for more and more of God’s word, I became less and less interested in just about every form of entertainment I typically enjoyed. Television shows I used to enjoy repulsed and grieved me. I found it hard to endure many TV commercials. I found myself making decisions to avoid things that grieved my spirit and felt unpleasing to God. I avoided postings and video clips on Facebook that felt completely inappropriate to view and hear. Am I turning into some kind of self-righteous freak? No, been there done that! As I look forward to 2015, I want to see things the way God sees them. I don’t want to see a yellow and black sign that’s been red and white for 26 years. I want to grow in the Lord and experience positive change in my relationship to God. I don’t want to live with old assumptions that were never right to begin with. I want to be hungry for more of God. I don’t want to be so full of the junk of the world that I have no appetite for the things of God. I plan to live more intentional, do more, see more, experience more, and be more satisfied with my life as a believer. I also want to encourage you to do the same. Don’t settle; don’t neglect; don’t ignore. Do the right thing for the right reason, with the right people…and have your best year ever. Happy New Year! Randall Mooney
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 21:33:23 +0000

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